International Water Stewardship Programme (IWaSP)
Showing all 31 results
Beneficiary Counting Tool
Each project has to assess and report the number of direct and indirect beneficiaries that are reached. The goal is to maximize the beneficiaries of the program- but not at any price. Thus, this tool has been developed to serve two goals: First, to count beneficiaries in a uniform way, and second, to support the projects in maximizing that number (both before, during and post project).
Business Case
Business case gives insight in the financial feasibility of a project. All project costs and revenues are systematically ordered and analyzed to assess whether the development of the project is feasible. All business cases need to be financially, socially and environmentally sustainable.
Business Concept
The Business Concept is the “idea” of how a project expects to create value.The costs are not central, but rather the value to be created.
Cost Benefit Analysis Guidance
An outline of the main steps to execute a cost-benefit analysis.
Grand Anse Watershed, Grenada (2017)
The overarching goal of the Grand Anse Watershed Partnership is to decrease the impacts of the frequent flooding after heavy rainfall events through the implementation of a sustainable drainage and water management system in this area.
Grand Etang Forest Reserve, Grenada (2017)
This partnership intends to improve the management of the Grand Etang Lake as a water reservoir for southern Grenada’s drinking water supply, with the additional benefit of an eco-friendly use of the lake by local and international visitors.
Guide for Managing Integrity in Water Stewardship Initiatives (2015)
This guide seeks to build on the lessons learned from the pioneers of WSIs around the world. Through a practical lens, and focusing on the needs of practitioners, the ultimate aim of this guide is to support existing and future WSIs in creating tangible benefits for society by ensuring high levels of integrity and transparency.
Imarisha Naivasha Water Stewardship Partnership (2017)
The Imarisha Naivasha Water Stewardship Programme wanted to improve the water availability for communities and businesses in the Lake Naivasha Basin and to improve the water quality by implementing soil and water conservation activities and community water projects.
Improved Community Livelihoods and Sustainable Water Management in the River Rwizi Catchment (2017)
This partnership has shown that stakeholder buy-in is a crucial element for the success of the Act Phase. In the case of the partnership in the River Rwizi catchment, ensuring the buy-in and understanding of all stakeholders significantly helped facilitate the implementation of activities and also increased the overall sustainability of the interventions.
Improvement of Access to Water and Sanitation in Buliisa (2017)
Thoroughness in the stakeholder engagement activities in the Assess Phase led to much easier agreements in the Commit Phase of this partnership on improving water supply and sanitation in two sub-counties in the Buliisa District, Uganda.
Lusaka Water Security Initiative (LuWSI) (2017)
LuWSI is a multi-stakeholder collaboration system inspired by and working towards the vision of water security for the residents and businesses of Lusaka.
Lusaka Water Security Initiative: Wellfield Protection Project (2017)
The objective of this partnership is to protect LWSC wellfields at Shaft 5 and Mass Media, in an environmentally, socially, and financially sustainable manner securing groundwater supply for Lusaka’s residents and businesses.
Market Scan Tool
The objective of a Market Scan is to identify potential partners with water intensive businesses and water risks with regard to water stewardship activities in order to increase engagement with corporate partners.
Mlalakua River Restoration Project (MRRP) (2017)
The overall objective of the Mlalakua River Restoration Project (MRRP) was to restore the health of the Mlalakua River and to prevent further pollution.
One Pager Tool
Create company/stakeholder overviews as a preparation for meetings. It includes an overview of business, strategy highlights, risks and issues, engagements, and a list of potentially relevant people. This step should help to establish credibility and develop dialogue.
Partnership Internal Communication Plan: Guidance & Template
Access to consistent and accurate information on a large project which may influence individuals is critical to the effectiveness of a partnership. Ensure efficient and regular interaction among partners as well as engagement in shared objectives by using this guidance document and template.
Partnership Introduction Material
This standardized power point template can be used to introduce partnerships and actors.
Partnership Reference Success Story
Summarize final results and impact of the partnership using this template as guidance. Collect all partnership reference success stories, so that those can be utilized while negotiating with potential partners.
Partnership Reporting Progress Template
Reporting: Regular reporting to the Steering Committee regarding the partnership progress will create transparency and support trust building. Results of reporting should be regularly communicated to partners.
Management: Ensure that the expectations are clear and manage them properly. Regular effective and efficient communication is crucial. Ensure that all stakeholders are considered and adequately involved. -
Partnership Risk Management Plan
Identify and evaluate potential risks that might negatively influence partnership success or reputation of brand, create key messages for crisis situations, and ensure relevant risk mitigation action is taken and risks are followed up regularly using this template.
Problem Butterfly
Interactive brainstorming tool to jointly analyse risks, their causes, impact and impacted groups.
Risks and Opportunities Assessment
Identify typical risks and damages resulting from water impacts in the area. For the risk assessment, hazards as well as impacts need to be identified for all elements defined under the scope of application. To assess risks it can help to develop impact chains from the impact to the cause. It is important to have in mind that hazards inside and outside the system under investigation must be considered as well as the impacts resulting from them.
Saint Lucia Water Stewardship Partnership (Act) (2017)
This partnership formed to identify fast-working, effective measures to improve erratic water supply and security in the Vieux Fort area of Saint Lucia, to collectively secure the water supply for communities and businesses in the area, and to foster active participation from villagers and civil society organizations in collaboration with the public water utility and private businesses in the area.
Saint Lucia Water Stewardship Partnership (Commit) (2017)
The initial commitment phase in Saint Lucia spanned just over a half a year from the first contacts made in September 2014 to the final project agreement in early 2015.
Sustainable Water Management in Usa River (SUWAMA-Usa) (2017)
The Sustainable Water Management in Usa River (SUWAMA-Usa) is a partnership with the objective to improve water security at the sub-catchment level.
Target Group Engagement and External Communications in the Implementation Plan
Partnership target group engagement: use communications as a means to raise awareness, change attitude or behaviour among the partnership target groups (that are identified in stakeholder analysis)
Partnership external communications: showcase partnership achievements for both internal and external stakeholders (e.g. potential partners) -
The Letter of Commitment: Template
The Letter of Commitment (LoCom) is a third-stage type of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which is legally binding, and establishes concrete expectations of financial and in-kind contributions from member parties in the Water Stewardship Partnership.
A template for partnerships that clearly define:
- Partnership Governance
- Roles & Responsibilities and GAP analysis
- Clear targets (beneficiaries)
- Budget & Planning
- External Communication
Value Proposition Tool
Positioning statement that explains what benefits the stewardship provides to different stakeholders and how it does it uniquely well.
Water Risk & Action Framework
WRAF guides practitioners in forming and executing water stewardship partnerships. The proven five-phase process increases the quality of partnerships that deliver accelerated and sustainable results to achieve water security for businesses, communities, and government.
Water Risk and Action Plan
Project planning. Map out a roadmap of activities using this guidance template.