Showing all 14 results
Achieving Abundance: Understanding the Cost of a Sustainable Water Future (2020)
This Working Paper proposes a method whereby any decision-maker can calculate the cost required to deliver sustainable water management to a geography.
Aqueduct Floods (2020)
This tool measures and maps flood risks worldwide.
Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas (2013)
Understand where and how water risks and opportunities are emerging worldwide.
Driving Harmonization of Water-Related Terminology (2014)
The Mandate Secretariat along with participating organizations have attempted to reach shared understanding of water-related terminology, while also identifying areas where there is divergence in understanding.
Exploring the Case for Corporate Context-Based Water Targets (2017)
In order to contribute to long-term risk mitigation and tackle increasing water challenges, corporate water targets must be informed by the best available science on hydro-ecological conditions at the basin level, informed by contextual social needs, and aligned with local to global public policy objectives.
From Doing Better to Doing Enough: Anchoring Corporate Sustainability Targets in Science (2016)
This paper discusses what managers must consider when attempting to set science-based targets for their impact on the climate, land and water.
Global Forest Watch Water (2017)
Global Forest Watch Water is a global database and interactive mapping tool designed to help users find decision-relevant information on natural infrastructure to enhance water security.
India Water Tool (2019)
The India Water Tool brings together 20 datasets and risk indicators to help users understand their water risks in India.
Investing in Forested Landscapes for Source Water Protection in the US (2013)
This publication offers comprehensive guidance on the economics, science, partnerships, and finance mechanisms underlying successful efforts to secure the water-related functions of forests and other ecosystems.
Natural infrastructure in the nexus (2015)
This paper discusses how natural infrastructure, the networks of land and water that provide services to people, can help decision makers and infrastructure managers address interconnected challenges facing water, energy and food systems, often referred to as the “nexus.”
Putting Nature to Work: Integrating Green and Gray Infrastructure for Water Security and Climate Resilience (2019)
This report shows how putting nature to work can help deliver infrastructure services with greater impact and lower cost, all the while reducing risks from disaster, boosting water security and enhancing climate resilience.
The Elephant in the Boardroom: Why Unchecked Consumption is Not an Option (2017)
This discussion paper examines the need for companies to openly acknowledge and discuss the business dependency on consumption, exploring the topic through three different product examples – cars, beef, and clothing.