Showing 51–100 of 193 results
Frontiers of CLTS: How to Trigger for Handwashing with Soap (2014)
The purpose of this document is to outline several practical tools which can be used as a part of CLTS in order to trigger realisation among communities of the importance of handwashing with soap, as well as eliminating open defecation.
geoFootprint (2019)
geoFootprint is a public and collaborative tool that gives instant access to the environmental footprint of agricultural crops on a world map.
Global Environment Monitoring System for Freshwater (2019)
The Global Environment Monitoring System for freshwater (GEMS/Water) collects worldwide water quality data for assessments of status and trends in global inland water quality.
Global Water Tool (2011)
The Global Water Tool (GWT) is a free, publicly available resource for identifying corporate water risks and opportunities which provides easy access to and analysis of critical data.
Good Practice in Asphalt Manufacturing: Segregate and Minimize the Use of Release Agents
The European Asphalt Pavement Association compiled a series of good practices for water pollution reduction in the asphalt manufacturing industry. This resource covers the importance of segregating wastewater containing release agents from the general wastewater stream.
Good Practice in Cement Production: Dry Process Kilns
The World Business Council for Sustainable Development’s “Cement Sustainability Initiative” recommends using dry kilns processes in cement powder production to reduce water consumption.
Good Practice in Personal Care Manufacturing: Remove Triclosan from Products
The Canadian Government recommends removing triclosan from personal care products and replacing it with safer chemicals to reduce pollution to aquatic ecosystems.
Good Practice in Personal Care Product Manufacturing: Use of Sustainable Palm Oil
Palm oil is used within numerous personal products including liquid detergents, soaps, shampoos, lipstick, waxes, polishes, make-up, and more. Although palm oil is chemically stable, productive, and low cost; the expansion of its use has led to deforestation and habitat loss. WWF recommends companies investigate their palm oil suppliers and participate in collations that promote sustainable palm oil supplies.
Guidance on Menstrual Health and Hygiene (2019)
This guidance was developed for UNICEF WASH, Education, Health, and Gender specialists or focal points in country offices who are working with their partners to develop programs related to menstrual health and hygiene.
Guide to Menstrual Hygiene Materials (2019)
This document provides guidance for staff from the UNICEF Supply Division and Programme Division on the selection and procurement of appropriate materials and supplies for menstrual hygiene management, particularly during humanitarian response.
Gypsum Drywall Alternatives: Good Practice in Construction Industries (2010)
This good practice lays out green alternatives to gypsum wallboard, which can help prevent ground water pollution and save energy.
H&M – Human Right to Water and Sanitation
H&M is committed to ensuring that water is used responsibly throughout the company’s value chain. H&M does this to minimize risks in its operations, to protect the environment and to secure the availability of water for people.
Hotel Water Measurement Initiative (2016)
Measure and report on your hotels’ water use in a consistent manner.
Hyatt Pune Saves Water While Improving Operations (2017)
A 5-star Hyatt hotel in Pune, India, saved 1.8 million gallons of freshwater by working with Ecolab to install 3D TRASAR automation technology for its HVAC systems. This state of the art technology allowed the hotel to provide heating and cooling to over 200 guest rooms while saving freshwater resources. -
Hygiene Matters Research Initiative (2016)
Swedish pulp and paper company SCA has partnered with WSSCC to create a common platform for raising awareness about the importance of hygiene and sanitation and challenging taboos surrounding personal hygiene.
Illovo and SUSFARMS: Building Climate Resilient Sugarcane Supply Chains (2017)
This case study looks at how Illovo, a subsidiary company of Associated British Foods, funded various projects, including R&D and water infrastructure, as well as the Sustainable Sugarcane Farm Management System (SUSFARMS) initiative in order to maintain and develop grower supply.
Implementation of WASH for Workers and Communities – Case Studies
Nestlé has worked with the WBCSD on adopting and implementing the WASH Pledge throughout their value chain in India, Cameroon, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama.
Improving Cooling Water Efficiency at a Petrochemical Plant – Ecolab Case Study (2010)
This case study explores how a petrochemical plant partnered with Nalco and implemented 3D TRASAR technology to ensure system performance and reduce water use.
Improving Operational Sustainability at an ArcelorMittal Steel Mill – Ecolab Case Study (2017)
Ecolab took multiple steps at ArcelorMittal’s Galati Steel Mill to help create a more sustainable operation, including implementing 3D TRASAR Technology in one of ArcelorMittal’s blast furnace open cooling systems, switching the make-up water source from demineralized water to soft water, and optimizing the recirculation pumps.
Inalca SpA Partners with Ecolab to Reduce Water Use in Rieti Meat Processing Plant (2017)
This case study highlights how Ecolab worked with Inalca SpA to identify methods for reducing water consumption in their meat processing plant located in Rieti, Italy. By updating water treatment technology, boiler automation, and water reuse, Inalca SpA saved 3.7 million gallons of water, 670,300 kWh of energy, and $72,000 in annual operating costs.
India Water Tool (2019)
The India Water Tool brings together 20 datasets and risk indicators to help users understand their water risks in India.
Internet of Water: Sharing and Integrating Water Data for Sustainability (2017)
This report provides a principle-based blueprint recommending a 3-step plan for how to design and launch a feasible and operable “Internet of Water” – a network of interconnected data producers, hubs, and users.
IRC Wash Tools
Tools and guidance for providing WASH services that last.
Italian Meat Processor Reduces Water and Energy Use – Ecolab Case Study (2017)
This case study shows how Nalco Water strategized to make Italian meat processor Inalca SpA’s operations more sustainable.
JMP Global WASH Database (2015)
The WHO/UNICEFJMP Global WASH Database provides data originating from 1990 on global access to drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH).
LafargeHolcim Philippines | Green Roof and Water Management in Philippines Government Office Building (2017)
This case study explores LafargeHolcim’s support of the Philippines government’s mission to protect the Laguna Lake area by providing an innovative green roof for the government’s new building which neutralizes the pH of rainwater run-off, among other benefits.
LafargeHolcim Pledges Support for WASH Initiatives
LarfargeHolcim has committed to the WBCSD WASH Pledge, and is supporting the Open-Defecation Free (ODF) India initiative by using its cement and building materials expertise to construct 3 million toilets.
Laundry Solution Yields Savings and Guest Satisfaction – Ecolab Case Study (2017)
This case study shows how Ecolab assessed Kinseth Hospitality’s cleaning operations and implemented a program to reduce water use and save energy.
Live: Country Experiences on COVID-19 and WASH (2020)
This live-blog shares WASH approaches Sanitation and Water for All partners are taking in response to the COVID-19 emergency.
LS&Co. Water Recycle/Reuse Standard (2014)
Levi Strauss & Co. has issued this standard to encourage preservation of fresh water through water recycling.
Make Way for the Future of Sanitation (2020)
This report provides a review of new enterprise models shaping the development of a transformational sanitation economy.
Managed Aquifer Recharge Portal (2018)
Managed aquifer recharge (MAR) represents a viable method for sustainable water management. This viewer provides a global overview of MAR suitability maps and MAR case studies and their relevant parameters.
Mapping Public Water Management: Proof of Concept (2020)
This technical note tests a novel data collection approach that relies on crowdsourcing data from multinational enterprises with operations across many geographies.
Marriott International Achieves Significant Savings in Water – Ecolab Case Study (2017)
This case study explores how Ecolab’s partnership with Marriott International has resulted in significant savings in water, energy, CO2 emissions, and solid waste that help contribute to Marriott’s 2025 sustainability goals.
Microsoft and Ecolab Water Risk Monetizer Case Study (2017)
Leveraging Ecolab’s Water Risk Monetizer tool, Microsoft was able to model the full value of water to its business and use risk-adjusted prices to reinforce the business case for water stewardship. Microsoft was able to save more than $140,000 in water costs per year, while also avoiding 58.3 million gallons of potable water use per year.
Nalco Membrane Technology Helps Fertilizer Plant Reduce Water Use (2014)
This case study explores how Ecolab helped a fertilizer plant in Latin America achieve significant improvements in the performance of its reverse osmosis system with the help of 3D TRASAR Membrane Technology, resulting in reduced use of water, chemicals and labor.
Nedbank Water Savings Guide (2020)
This guide shares information on making the best of every drop of water, with tips on how to save water and help shape a water-secure future.
Nestlé: Commitment on Water Stewardship
Nestlé has formally confirmed its public support for the human right to water and sanitation, as adopted by the United Nations General Assembly and the United Nations Human Rights Council.
On the Frontlines: Climate Change Threatens the Health of America’s Workers (2020)
This report reviews the latest evidence documenting how climate change is threatening the health and safety of workers, identifies research needs, and offers a series of federal policy recommendations to protect workers in an increasingly climate-disrupted world.
Online Brine Platform (2019)
The Online Brine Platform is an active web service that aims to promote the flow of secondary raw materials by linking brine owners with mineral/water users and technology providers.
Onsite Non-Potable Water Reuse Practice Guide (2018)
The Non-Potable Water Reuse Practice Guide is written with practicing architects and other building design professionals in mind and provides explanations of why you may want to consider non-potable water reuse for projects.
Open Source: Water Innovation (2016)
This good practice shares Levi Strauss & Co’s innovative water conserving finishing techniques. The company’s Water<Less process can save up to 96 percent of the water used in the denim finishing process.