Access to WASH
Showing all 33 results
Água e a pandemia da COVID-19: Um plano empresarial para água e COVID-19: Ações práticas para conter a pandemia (2020)
A comunidade empresarial pode desempenhar um papel fundamental no combate à disseminação da COVID-19, bem como reconstruir a economia e reduzir o risco de choques futuros.
BRK Ambiental Presents: Women and Sanitation (2019)
This study analyzes, from several complementary points of view, the issue of women’s lives and access to sanitation in Brazil, and how the lack of sanitation compromises the health of Brazilian women.
Collective Action for Water Security and Sustainability: Preliminary Investigations (2014)
This study determines success and failure factors and effective tools or mechanisms to facilitate multi-stakeholder engagement processes in India based on identified global and domestic case studies.
Exploring the Business Case for Corporate Action on Sanitation (2014)
The global sanitation crisis is one of the most critical sustainable development challenges facing the world today. This discussion paper explores the business case for corporate action on sanitation and identifies several ways the private sector can make an impact.
Guidance on Menstrual Health and Hygiene (2019)
This guidance was developed for UNICEF WASH, Education, Health, and Gender specialists or focal points in country offices who are working with their partners to develop programs related to menstrual health and hygiene.
Guide to Menstrual Hygiene Materials (2019)
This document provides guidance for staff from the UNICEF Supply Division and Programme Division on the selection and procurement of appropriate materials and supplies for menstrual hygiene management, particularly during humanitarian response.
ICMM Position Statement on Water Stewardship (2017)
This position statement sets out International Council on Mining & Metals (ICMM) members’ approach to water stewardship.
Investigating Food and Agribusiness Corporations as Global Water Security, Management and Governance Agents: The Case of Nestlé, Bunge and Cargill (2012)
This article investigates how and why some of the world’s largest food and agribusiness corporations engage in global water management and governance in agro-food value chains and political economy networks, and in the emerging forms of transnational water governance.
Live: Country Experiences on COVID-19 and WASH (2020)
This live-blog shares WASH approaches Sanitation and Water for All partners are taking in response to the COVID-19 emergency.
Make Way for the Future of Sanitation (2020)
This report provides a review of new enterprise models shaping the development of a transformational sanitation economy.
On the Frontline: the State of the World’s Water 2020
This analysis examines how climate change is making it harder for people in the world’s poorest countries to rely on being able to drink clean water every day and calls for urgent action from governments and the international community to include safe water and sanitation plans for dealing with the impacts of climate change.
Period Poverty, Stigma, and Female Hygiene Gaps in the U.S. and Around the World (2020)
This guide describes the ways in which period poverty and stigma affect millions of women in the United States and around the world.
Period Poverty: What Is It & How Can We Help? (2020)
All around the world women are being held back in life and even put in danger, simply because of their period. This guide will outline key problems related to period poverty, what’s being done, and how it can be eradicated for good.
Rainwater Capture and Storage for Drinking Water – an Iberdrola Case Study (2017)
This case study shows steps taken by Iberdrola SA to advance sustainable water use and the company’s commitment to meeting SDG 6.
Right Tool for the Right Job: Tools and Approaches for Companies and Investors to Assess Water Risks and Shared Water Challenges (2020)
This report seeks to provide an overview of the three leading water tools available for corporate water risk assessment.
Short-Changed on Climate Change: Money, Water and the People on the Frontline (2020)
This report explores how the already low levels of funding spent on climate change aren’t being targeted to help the worst affected countries deal with the effects, putting billions of lives at risk.
Strengthening the Business Case for WASH – Breakfast Session Summary (2019)
The summary of this session held at Stockholm World Water Week 2019 highlights progress made by companies pilot-testing guidance from Strengthening the Business Case for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, and offers insight on next steps.
Strengthening the Business Case for Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene – How to Measure Value for Your Business (2018)
This guide has been developed to support evidence gathering and strengthen the business case for water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), which is currently lacking.
Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management Toolbox (2020)
The SSWM Toolbox compiles thousands of “best of” instruments geared to optimize sanitation and water management intervention at a local level all curated in an easy-to-understand yet comprehensive way.
SWA Webinar Series on COVID-19 and WASH (2020)
This webinar series is organized by SWA and consists of dialogues on COVID-19 and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH).
The Future We Want – SDG 17 (2019)
The Future We Want is a short film series produced by Global Compact Network Brazil and highlights the impact of the SDGs on people’s lives, with an emphasis on the crucial role of the business sector.
The Future We Want – SDG 6 (2019)
This is the second film from The Future We Want, a short film series that highlights the impact of the SDGs on people’s lives and emphasizes the crucial role of the business sector.
Transforming Health Systems: the Vital Role of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (2019)
This report outlines the health systems strengthening approach WaterAid has taken, and how this has supported sustainable improvements in WASH in healthcare facilities.
UN-Water Global Analysis and Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking-Water (GLAAS) (2019)
The UN-Water Global Analysis and Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking-Water (GLAAS) provides policy- and decision-makers at all levels with easily accessible and comprehensive analyses to make informed decisions for sanitation, drinking-water, and hygiene.
Understanding Hygiene Promotion in the Context of the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak (2020)
This note provides guidance on which aspects to consider when planning and implementing a hygiene promotion campaign as part of a broader risk communication and community engagement strategy.
WASH In Health Care Facilities: Global Baseline Report 2019
This Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene (JMP) report focuses on monitoring the status of WASH in health care facilities.
WASH Programme Contribution to Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Prevention and Response (2020)
This technical document outlines the overarching strategy and tactics for implementing UNICEF’s COVID-19 WASH response.
Water and the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Business Framework for Water & COVID-19: Practical Actions to Contain the Pandemic (2020)
This Issue Brief aims to articulate the role that the business community can play in combatting the spread of COVID-19, as well as rebuilding the economy and reducing the risk of future shocks.
Water Filter Media of Granulated Ceramics (2018)
This best practice shows how TAM Ceramics filter systems address sustainable water treatment on a large scale, providing safe drinking water to communities with systems that are inexpensive, simple to use, and easy to maintain.
Water Scarcity and Climate Change: Growing Risks for Businesses and Investors (2009)
This report looks at the impact of water scarcity and declining water quality on business and the significant interest investors have in catalyzing companies to look more closely at their potential risk exposure to water-related challenges.
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: Three Essential Ingredients to Resilient Agricultural Supply Chains (2019)
This booklet presents an opportunity for sectors that are reliant upon the agricultural supply chain to take leadership in protecting and improving WASH resources for the people and business in the regions in which they operate.
World Water Development Report 2019
The 2019 World Water Development Report (WWDR) examines how improved water resource management and access to water supply and sanitation services can help address the causes and alleviate the impacts of poverty and social inequity.