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A New Textiles Economy: Redesigning Fashion’s Future (2017)
This report outlines a vision of a new textiles economy in which clothes, textiles, and fibers are kept at their highest value during use and re-enter the economy afterwards, never ending up as waste.
Action Brief 3.1: Action Learning Projects (2018)
The projects aim to assess the current water use trends, identify and map out the key stakeholders, shared water-related risks, challenges and opportunity at the site and catchment level, and develop a water stewardship plan following the framework of AWS Standard.
At the Crest of a Wave: A Proactive Approach to Corporate Water Strategy (2007)
This report provides guidance on developing and implementing a water strategy based around innovation, investment, and collaboration.
Blue Peace Index (2019)
The Blue Peace Index is a research tool that measures how well countries manage transboundary water resources.
BSR’s Five-Step Approach to Stakeholder Engagement (2011)
Use this document as a starting point when approaching stakeholder engagement for the first time, or as a refresher when revising a current engagement strategy.
Business Reporting on the SDGs: An Analysis of the Goals and Targets (2017)
This analysis is an inventory of possible disclosures per SDG, at the level of the 169 targets.
CDP’s Global Water Report 2015
An annual publication in which thousands of companies, organizations, and governments report on greenhouse gas emissions, water management, and climate change strategies.
CDP’s Global Water Results (2015)
Every year, CDP solicits information from companies about their water risk and response. This new platform visualizes key data and results from these corporate water reports.
Drinking Water Guide: A Resource for Advocates (2019)
River Network’s Drinking Water Guide is a first step in helping to create a more informed and engaged national network of advocates for safe, clean, affordable, and sustainable drinking water systems.
Driving Harmonization of Water-Related Terminology (2014)
The Mandate Secretariat along with participating organizations have attempted to reach shared understanding of water-related terminology, while also identifying areas where there is divergence in understanding.
Drought Toolbox (2019)
The Drought Toolbox provides drought stakeholders with easy access to tools, case studies, and other resources to support the design of National Drought Policy Plan.
Frontiers of CLTS: How to Trigger for Handwashing with Soap (2014)
The purpose of this document is to outline several practical tools which can be used as a part of CLTS in order to trigger realisation among communities of the importance of handwashing with soap, as well as eliminating open defecation.
Getting in Step: Engaging Stakeholders in Your Watershed (2013)
This guide is intended to assist agencies, organizations, and companies involved with watershed management activities with building a stakeholder group.
Global Water Tool (2011)
The Global Water Tool (GWT) is a free, publicly available resource for identifying corporate water risks and opportunities which provides easy access to and analysis of critical data.
Green Cities: Good Health (2019)
This web site provides an overview of the scientific evidence of human health and well-being benefits provided by urban forestry and urban greening.
India Water Tool (2019)
The India Water Tool brings together 20 datasets and risk indicators to help users understand their water risks in India.
Love Your Clothes (2018)
The Love Your Clothes campaign has been developed together with industry organizations to help change the way consumers buy, use, and dispose of their clothing.
Nedbank Water Savings Guide (2020)
This guide shares information on making the best of every drop of water, with tips on how to save water and help shape a water-secure future.
No Water No Growth (2018)
This report seeks to provide an overview of the way in which the social and economic development of continental Asia is dependent on the resources of ten rivers.
Raising Ambitions on the Road to COP25: High-level Strategic Workshop on Water and Climate (2019)
This workshop’s primary goal was to mobilize and encourage a range of political and institutional stakeholders from water and the climate arenas to continue and improve the long-term visibility of water within climate discussions.
Stakeholder Dialogues Manual (2011)
Stakeholder dialogues – dialogues between everyone working on a given theme – are increasingly proposed as an approach to problem-solving.
Status Report on the Implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management in Africa (2018)
This report draws on data submitted by 51 African countries to track the progress of integrated water resources management (IWRM) across Africa.
The CEO Water Mandate 2018-2020 Strategic Plan: 2019 Update
The 2019 update to the Mandate’s 2018-2020 Strategic Plan lays out a roadmap for how the Mandate and its endorsing companies can advance water security around the world, and in so doing help manage the many water risks facing businesses, communities, and ecosystems.
The IWA Principles for Water-Wise Cities (2016)
IWA’s Principles for Water-Wise Cities establish a framework that assists urban stakeholders achieve sustainable urban water and emphasizes the importance of collaboration.
The KPMG Survey of Corporate Responsibility Reporting (2017)
This study is intended to help companies unsure about how to report on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) understand where to start and what good SDG reporting looks like.
Water Loss Reduction in Zamdela – “Metsimaholo Water Loss Reduction Project” (2019)
This case study looks at actions taken by Sasol to reduce water loss, improve municipal water infrastructure, and improve access to water for the local community in the Zamdela area of the Metsimaholo Local Municipality.
Water Management Expectations to Companies (2015)
An example of how a financial investor expects companies to manage the challenges and opportunities surrounding water resources.