Construction Materials
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Gypsum Drywall Alternatives: Good Practice in Construction Industries (2010)
This good practice lays out green alternatives to gypsum wallboard, which can help prevent ground water pollution and save energy.
Reducing Stormwater Pollution – Good Practices In Timber Products Facilities
This good practice looks at ways to mitigate stormwater pollution from timber products facilities.
Sustainable Timber Sourcing – Good Practices in Construction Material Industries
The Forest Stewardship Council created the Principles of Forest Stewardship as a worldwide standard to promote environmentally responsible, socially beneficial and economically viable management of the world’s forests.
Water Use Guidance for Construction Product Manufacturers
Construction product manufacturers are becoming increasingly aware of the potential impact of variable supplies of suitable water and the risk this poses to their businesses. This good practice details steps construction manufacturers in the United Kingdom can take to mitigate water stress, become more water efficient, and utilize products that enable both householders and businesses to minimize their water usage.