Disclose efforts to address shared challenges
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Action Brief 3.1: Action Learning Projects (2018)
The projects aim to assess the current water use trends, identify and map out the key stakeholders, shared water-related risks, challenges and opportunity at the site and catchment level, and develop a water stewardship plan following the framework of AWS Standard.
Blue Peace Index (2019)
The Blue Peace Index is a research tool that measures how well countries manage transboundary water resources.
Collaborative Conservation and Adaptation Strategy Toolbox (CCAST) (2018)
The Southwest Climate Hub, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Reclamation, and Forest Service have collaborated to create an online library of conservation case studies.
One Pager Tool
Create company/stakeholder overviews as a preparation for meetings. It includes an overview of business, strategy highlights, risks and issues, engagements, and a list of potentially relevant people. This step should help to establish credibility and develop dialogue.
Partnership Internal Communication Plan: Guidance & Template
Access to consistent and accurate information on a large project which may influence individuals is critical to the effectiveness of a partnership. Ensure efficient and regular interaction among partners as well as engagement in shared objectives by using this guidance document and template.
Partnership Reference Success Story
Summarize final results and impact of the partnership using this template as guidance. Collect all partnership reference success stories, so that those can be utilized while negotiating with potential partners.
Partnership Reporting Progress Template
Reporting: Regular reporting to the Steering Committee regarding the partnership progress will create transparency and support trust building. Results of reporting should be regularly communicated to partners.
Management: Ensure that the expectations are clear and manage them properly. Regular effective and efficient communication is crucial. Ensure that all stakeholders are considered and adequately involved. -
Target Group Engagement and External Communications in the Implementation Plan
Partnership target group engagement: use communications as a means to raise awareness, change attitude or behaviour among the partnership target groups (that are identified in stakeholder analysis)
Partnership external communications: showcase partnership achievements for both internal and external stakeholders (e.g. potential partners) -
The CEO Water Mandate 2018-2020 Strategic Plan: 2019 Update
The 2019 update to the Mandate’s 2018-2020 Strategic Plan lays out a roadmap for how the Mandate and its endorsing companies can advance water security around the world, and in so doing help manage the many water risks facing businesses, communities, and ecosystems.
The KPMG Survey of Corporate Responsibility Reporting (2017)
This study is intended to help companies unsure about how to report on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) understand where to start and what good SDG reporting looks like.
Volumetric Water Benefit Accounting (VWBA): A Practical Guide to Implementing Water Replenishment Targets (2021)
This guide is intended as a practical resource to facilitate the application of VWBA methods to meet water replenishment targets.