Human rights
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Acciona Agua – Sustainable Water Supply in Water Scarce Regions (2017)
Acciona created the Acciona Agua division to provide global solutions for the sustainable development of the water sector and to supply water to people primarily in water-scarce regions.
Blueprint for Business Leadership on the SDGs: SDG 6 (2017)
This document provides guidance and examples for how businesses can be leaders in the efforts to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 6.
Bringing a Human Rights Lens To Corporate Water Stewardship (2012)
This paper aims to assist large-scale water-using companies by providing useful approaches to, and concrete examples of, what respect for the human right to water and sanitation means in practice.
BRK Ambiental Presents: Women and Sanitation (2019)
This study analyzes, from several complementary points of view, the issue of women’s lives and access to sanitation in Brazil, and how the lack of sanitation compromises the health of Brazilian women.
CEO Guide to the SDGs (2017)
Discover clear steps that CEOs can take towards aligning their companies with the SDGs and unlocking the value they represent.
Children’s Rights and Business Principles (2013)
Guidance, tools, and approaches to respecting children’s rights in and out of the workplace.
Coca-Cola: Respecting the Human Right to Water and Sanitation
As a beverage company, Coca-Cola recognize the indispensable nature of water in advancing healthy ecosystems, communities, business, agriculture and commerce.
Drinking Water Guide: A Resource for Advocates (2019)
River Network’s Drinking Water Guide is a first step in helping to create a more informed and engaged national network of advocates for safe, clean, affordable, and sustainable drinking water systems.
Easing the Transition to Commercial Finance for Sustainable Water and Sanitation (2017)
This report articulates a framework for innovative financing to achieve SDG6, particularly targets 6.1–6.4.
Guidance for Companies on Respecting the Human Rights to Water & Sanitation (2015)
This Guidance aims to help business effectively align corporate water stewardship practice with the corporate responsibility to respect the human rights to water and sanitation.
Guidance on Menstrual Health and Hygiene (2019)
This guidance was developed for UNICEF WASH, Education, Health, and Gender specialists or focal points in country offices who are working with their partners to develop programs related to menstrual health and hygiene.
Guide to Menstrual Hygiene Materials (2019)
This document provides guidance for staff from the UNICEF Supply Division and Programme Division on the selection and procurement of appropriate materials and supplies for menstrual hygiene management, particularly during humanitarian response.
H&M – Human Right to Water and Sanitation
H&M is committed to ensuring that water is used responsibly throughout the company’s value chain. H&M does this to minimize risks in its operations, to protect the environment and to secure the availability of water for people.
Live: Country Experiences on COVID-19 and WASH (2020)
This live-blog shares WASH approaches Sanitation and Water for All partners are taking in response to the COVID-19 emergency.
Make Way for the Future of Sanitation (2020)
This report provides a review of new enterprise models shaping the development of a transformational sanitation economy.
Mapping the Oil and Gas Industry to the Sustainable Development Goals (2017)
The Atlas explores the links between the oil and gas industry and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and seeks to facilitate a shared understanding of how the industry can most effectively support the achievement of the SDGs.
Oil & Gas Company in Tunisia: Conflict and Divisions within Local Communities (2011)
A company faces challenges in engaging local fishing communities.
On the Frontline: the State of the World’s Water 2020
This analysis examines how climate change is making it harder for people in the world’s poorest countries to rely on being able to drink clean water every day and calls for urgent action from governments and the international community to include safe water and sanitation plans for dealing with the impacts of climate change.
Period Poverty: What Is It & How Can We Help? (2020)
All around the world women are being held back in life and even put in danger, simply because of their period. This guide will outline key problems related to period poverty, what’s being done, and how it can be eradicated for good.
Post-2015 Agenda and Related SDGs Issue Focus: Water & Sanitation (2014)
The purpose of this issue paper is to inform governments and policy makers of the responsible business community’s willingness to contribute to the formation of any water and sanitation goals as well as future implementation efforts involving the private sector.
Realizing the Human Rights to Water and Sanitation (2014)
The United Nations Special Rapporteur has been working closely with several organizations interested in understanding what the human rights to water and sanitation mean for their work, and how to translate these rights into practice.
Reducing Inequalities in Water Supply, Sanitation, and Hygiene in the Era of the Sustainable Development Goals (2017)
Synthesis Report of the Water Supply, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Poverty Diagnostic Initiative, which focuses on what it would take to reduce existing inequalities in WASH services worldwide.
SDG 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation (2018)
This first synthesis report on SDG 6 is an in-depth review and includes data on the global baseline status of SDG 6, the current situation and trends at global and regional levels, and what more needs to be done to achieve this goal by 2030.
SDG Resource Centre (2017)
Leading-edge information on the Sustainable Development Goals.
Short-Changed on Climate Change: Money, Water and the People on the Frontline (2020)
This report explores how the already low levels of funding spent on climate change aren’t being targeted to help the worst affected countries deal with the effects, putting billions of lives at risk.
Strengthening the Business Case for WASH – Breakfast Session Summary (2019)
The summary of this session held at Stockholm World Water Week 2019 highlights progress made by companies pilot-testing guidance from Strengthening the Business Case for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, and offers insight on next steps.
Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management Toolbox (2020)
The SSWM Toolbox compiles thousands of “best of” instruments geared to optimize sanitation and water management intervention at a local level all curated in an easy-to-understand yet comprehensive way.
SWA Webinar Series on COVID-19 and WASH (2020)
This webinar series is organized by SWA and consists of dialogues on COVID-19 and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH).
The Business Case for Action on WASH (2018)
Analysis of the corporate water disclosures submitted to investors through CDP reveals a strengthening business case for companies investing in WASH.
The Business Case for Investing in WASH (2017)
This paper presents the case for the business value creation and economic benefits associated with positive actions on WASH as well as outlining how business can contribute to Sustainable Development Goal 6.
The Circular Sanitation Economy (2017)
The objective of this publication is to demonstrate the commercial viability of the Circular Sanitation Economy and showcase the new business models operating at city scale.
The Future We Want – SDG 6 (2019)
This is the second film from The Future We Want, a short film series that highlights the impact of the SDGs on people’s lives and emphasizes the crucial role of the business sector.
The Global Opportunity Explorer (2017)
The Explorer is an interactive platform that guides you through hundreds of sustainable solutions and market opportunities which address the SDGs.
The State of Sustainable Business 2019
The 11th Annual BSR/GlobeScan State of Sustainable Business Survey provides insight into the world of sustainable business and identifies common perceptions and practices of corporate sustainability professionals.
The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2017
This report is an update on progress towards the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, showing that the rate of progress in many areas is far slower than needed to meet the targets by 2030.
Transforming Health Systems: the Vital Role of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (2019)
This report outlines the health systems strengthening approach WaterAid has taken, and how this has supported sustainable improvements in WASH in healthcare facilities.
UN Environment’s Freshwater Strategy 2017-2021 (2017)
This strategy report is designed to bring together the organization’s work that touches upon freshwater and provide a catalyst for action with various partners and stakeholders, at different levels of engagement.
UN-Water Annual Report 2018
This report highlights steps taken by UN-Water in 2018 to continue its mission to coordinate the efforts of UN entities and international organizations working on water and sanitation issues.
UN-Water Global Analysis and Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking-Water (GLAAS) (2019)
The UN-Water Global Analysis and Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking-Water (GLAAS) provides policy- and decision-makers at all levels with easily accessible and comprehensive analyses to make informed decisions for sanitation, drinking-water, and hygiene.
WASH In Health Care Facilities: Global Baseline Report 2019
This Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene (JMP) report focuses on monitoring the status of WASH in health care facilities.
Water and Human Rights: Exploring the Roles and Responsibilities of Business (2009)
This paper examines how businesses can adhere to John Ruggie’s “corporate responsibility to respect” principle in the context of access to water.
Water and Sanitation Interlinkages across the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (2016)
This brief analyses the central role of water and sanitation to describe the links and interdependencies between the targets of SDG 6 on water and sanitation and those of other SDGs.
Water Loss Reduction in Zamdela – “Metsimaholo Water Loss Reduction Project” (2019)
This case study looks at actions taken by Sasol to reduce water loss, improve municipal water infrastructure, and improve access to water for the local community in the Zamdela area of the Metsimaholo Local Municipality.
Water Supply, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Poverty Diagnostic Initiative (country by country) (2017)
This report offers new insights on how data can be used to inform allocation decisions to reduce inequalities and prioritize investment in WASH to boost human capital.
World Water Development Report 2019
The 2019 World Water Development Report (WWDR) examines how improved water resource management and access to water supply and sanitation services can help address the causes and alleviate the impacts of poverty and social inequity.