Integrate water considerations into design
Showing all 8 results
Cities Alive: Water for People (2018)
The report explores pioneering water approaches in cities around the world.
Incorporating Multiple Benefits into Water Projects: A Guide for Water Managers (2020)
This guidebook uses a “multi-benefit framework” to provide a modular, flexible approach for water managers interested in incorporating multiple benefits into water management decisions.
Insights from China’s Textile Manufacturers: Gaps to Overcome for Clean and Circular Fashion (2017)
The textile industry can use this report to target their actions on the most pressing issues and as a guide for their engagement with manufacturers to advance the transition to a circular apparel economy.
Launch of SDG 6 Indicator Reports (2018)
Seven reports that track progress towards the various targets set out in SDG 6 using the SDG global indicators.
Onsite Non-Potable Water Reuse Practice Guide (2018)
The Non-Potable Water Reuse Practice Guide is written with practicing architects and other building design professionals in mind and provides explanations of why you may want to consider non-potable water reuse for projects.
Revaluing Ecosystems (2015)
Pathways for scaling up the inclusion of ecosystem value in decision making.
Roles of Companies in Water Management – Extending the Boundaries of Private Sector Responsibility? (2012)
This paper reviews the policies and practices of companies in water use and water management, and considers how they manifest an evolution of private sector roles.
Water and Circular Economy (2018)
This paper explores the relationship between the principles of circular economy and sustainable water management, identifying the opportunities that are offered through applying circular economy principles to water systems.