River Basin
Showing 1–50 of 116 results
Action Brief 3.1: Action Learning Projects (2018)
The projects aim to assess the current water use trends, identify and map out the key stakeholders, shared water-related risks, challenges and opportunity at the site and catchment level, and develop a water stewardship plan following the framework of AWS Standard.
Ambev’s CYAN Movement in the Corumba-Paranoa Basin, Brazil (2010)
AB InBev works with WWF and local communities in Brazil to improve operational water stewardship and consumer awareness of water issues.
Aqueduct Floods (2020)
This tool measures and maps flood risks worldwide.
Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas (2013)
Understand where and how water risks and opportunities are emerging worldwide.
ARIES (2020)
ARIES strives to quantify the benefits that nature provides to society in a manner that accounts for dynamic complexity and its consequences, but keeps models clear enough to users to remain understandable, usable, and adaptable to conditions of varying data availability.
Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment Tool (2018)
This tool is a GIS-based hydrologic modeling tool designed for both novice and expert GIS users.
Better Work Initiative (2017)
Better Work mobilizes global brands, governments, factory owners and workers to improve garment factory working conditions, including access to adequate water for health and sanitation.
Blue Peace Index (2019)
The Blue Peace Index is a research tool that measures how well countries manage transboundary water resources.
Blueprint for Business Leadership on the SDGs: SDG 6 (2017)
This document provides guidance and examples for how businesses can be leaders in the efforts to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 6.
BSR’s Five-Step Approach to Stakeholder Engagement (2011)
Use this document as a starting point when approaching stakeholder engagement for the first time, or as a refresher when revising a current engagement strategy.
CDP’s Global Water Results (2015)
Every year, CDP solicits information from companies about their water risk and response. This new platform visualizes key data and results from these corporate water reports.
Chemicals Management Module (2015)
Benchmark, establish, build, maintain and improve chemicals management processes, and integrate them with other business processes as part of your overall corporate management system.
Climate Change Adaptation Technologies for Water (2017)
Providing the most comprehensive overview of water adaptation technologies to date, this publication includes 102 adaptation technologies for building resilience to climate change-induced hazards in the water sector.
Coca-Cola’s Improving Water Quality for the Mesoamerican Reef Catchments (2007)
Coca-Cola and WWF established a partnership to affect watershed health, community sustainability, and water quality outcomes in seven river basins, one of which was the Mesoamerican Reef Catchment.
Collaborative Conservation and Adaptation Strategy Toolbox (CCAST) (2018)
The Southwest Climate Hub, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Reclamation, and Forest Service have collaborated to create an online library of conservation case studies.
Collective Action for Water Security and Sustainability: Preliminary Investigations (2014)
This study determines success and failure factors and effective tools or mechanisms to facilitate multi-stakeholder engagement processes in India based on identified global and domestic case studies.
Connected and Flowing: A Renewable Future for Rivers, Climate and People (2019)
This report explores how a set of planning approaches, and policy and financial mechanisms, can ensure that the world benefits from the renewable revolution by accelerating the arrival of power systems that are low carbon, low cost, and low impact.
Context-Based Decision Guide for Water Reuse and Recycling (2020)
This guide is intended to accelerate internal conversations and decisions at the regional and facility level with regards to investments in advancing water stewardship.
Corporate Water Stewardship: Achieving a Sustainable Balance (2013)
This paper presents a business case and strategy that reconciles these complex issues into a cohesive framework for industry to achieve a 100% sustainable water balance (i.e., water neutrality) in a way that creates business value.
Digital Technology Opportunities for the Colorado River Basin (2019)
This report is intended to profile the potential opportunities of emerging digital technologies to address the water quality and quantity challenges faced by public and private entities in the Basin.
Drinking Water Guide: A Resource for Advocates (2019)
River Network’s Drinking Water Guide is a first step in helping to create a more informed and engaged national network of advocates for safe, clean, affordable, and sustainable drinking water systems.
Exploring the Case for Corporate Context-Based Water Targets (2017)
In order to contribute to long-term risk mitigation and tackle increasing water challenges, corporate water targets must be informed by the best available science on hydro-ecological conditions at the basin level, informed by contextual social needs, and aligned with local to global public policy objectives.
Getting in Step: Engaging Stakeholders in Your Watershed (2013)
This guide is intended to assist agencies, organizations, and companies involved with watershed management activities with building a stakeholder group.
Global Environment Monitoring System for Freshwater (2019)
The Global Environment Monitoring System for freshwater (GEMS/Water) collects worldwide water quality data for assessments of status and trends in global inland water quality.
Global Groundwater Maps and U.S. Drought Forecasts (2020)
NASA researchers have developed new satellite-based, weekly global maps of soil moisture and groundwater wetness conditions and one to three-month U.S. forecasts of each product.
Global Water Tool (2011)
The Global Water Tool (GWT) is a free, publicly available resource for identifying corporate water risks and opportunities which provides easy access to and analysis of critical data.
Grand Anse Watershed, Grenada (2017)
The overarching goal of the Grand Anse Watershed Partnership is to decrease the impacts of the frequent flooding after heavy rainfall events through the implementation of a sustainable drainage and water management system in this area.
Grand Etang Forest Reserve, Grenada (2017)
This partnership intends to improve the management of the Grand Etang Lake as a water reservoir for southern Grenada’s drinking water supply, with the additional benefit of an eco-friendly use of the lake by local and international visitors.
Groundwater Exchange (2018)
The Groundwater Exchange is an online resource center connecting water managers, water users, and community members with tools and resources to support the design and implementation of effective Groundwater Sustainability Plans under California’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Act.
Imarisha Naivasha Water Stewardship Partnership (2017)
The Imarisha Naivasha Water Stewardship Programme wanted to improve the water availability for communities and businesses in the Lake Naivasha Basin and to improve the water quality by implementing soil and water conservation activities and community water projects.
Improved Community Livelihoods and Sustainable Water Management in the River Rwizi Catchment (2017)
This partnership has shown that stakeholder buy-in is a crucial element for the success of the Act Phase. In the case of the partnership in the River Rwizi catchment, ensuring the buy-in and understanding of all stakeholders significantly helped facilitate the implementation of activities and also increased the overall sustainability of the interventions.
Improvement of Access to Water and Sanitation in Buliisa (2017)
Thoroughness in the stakeholder engagement activities in the Assess Phase led to much easier agreements in the Commit Phase of this partnership on improving water supply and sanitation in two sub-counties in the Buliisa District, Uganda.
India Water Tool (2019)
The India Water Tool brings together 20 datasets and risk indicators to help users understand their water risks in India.
Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration (IHA) (2018)
Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration (IHA) is a software program that allows water resource managers, hydrologists, ecologists, researchers and policy makers to assess how rivers, lakes and groundwater basins have been affected by human activities over time – or to evaluate future water management scenarios.
Itawa Springs Protection Project
The Imarisha Naivasha Water Stewardship Programme wanted to improve the water availability for communities and businesses in the Lake Naivasha Basin and to improve the water quality by implementing soil and water conservation activities and community water projects.
IWRM Data Portal (2015)
Examine the progress of IWRM implementation within individual countries and track the global progress towards better management of our water resources.
LafargeHolcim France | Water Management and Flood Prevention in France (2017)
This case study looks at LafargeHolcim’s approach to converting a quarry into water retention basins as a solution for flood control.
Lake Naivasha Initiative | Scoping the Right Level of Engagement (2009)
The horticulture industry around Lake Naivasha leverages collective action to reduce their impact on the lake and engage in water stewardship.
Lusaka Water Security Initiative (LuWSI) (2017)
LuWSI is a multi-stakeholder collaboration system inspired by and working towards the vision of water security for the residents and businesses of Lusaka.
Lusaka Water Security Initiative: Wellfield Protection Project (2017)
The objective of this partnership is to protect LWSC wellfields at Shaft 5 and Mass Media, in an environmentally, socially, and financially sustainable manner securing groundwater supply for Lusaka’s residents and businesses.
Managed Aquifer Recharge Portal (2018)
Managed aquifer recharge (MAR) represents a viable method for sustainable water management. This viewer provides a global overview of MAR suitability maps and MAR case studies and their relevant parameters.