Stakeholder Engagement
Showing all 39 results
Action Brief 3.1: Action Learning Projects (2018)
The projects aim to assess the current water use trends, identify and map out the key stakeholders, shared water-related risks, challenges and opportunity at the site and catchment level, and develop a water stewardship plan following the framework of AWS Standard.
Beneficiary Counting Tool
Each project has to assess and report the number of direct and indirect beneficiaries that are reached. The goal is to maximize the beneficiaries of the program- but not at any price. Thus, this tool has been developed to serve two goals: First, to count beneficiaries in a uniform way, and second, to support the projects in maximizing that number (both before, during and post project).
Blue Peace Index (2019)
The Blue Peace Index is a research tool that measures how well countries manage transboundary water resources.
BSR’s Five-Step Approach to Stakeholder Engagement (2011)
Use this document as a starting point when approaching stakeholder engagement for the first time, or as a refresher when revising a current engagement strategy.
Business Case
Business case gives insight in the financial feasibility of a project. All project costs and revenues are systematically ordered and analyzed to assess whether the development of the project is feasible. All business cases need to be financially, socially and environmentally sustainable.
Business Concept
The Business Concept is the “idea” of how a project expects to create value.The costs are not central, but rather the value to be created.
CEO Guide to Water (2018)
This guide lays out the business case for water, outlining physical and non-physical water-related risks and presents significant business opportunities connected to water.
Freshwater Resources: Managing the Risks Facing the Private Sector (2004)
This paper provides a snapshot of current global water issues, assesses the water-related risks most relevant for the business community, and describes the general kinds of activities companies can take to address them.
Getting in Step: Engaging Stakeholders in Your Watershed (2013)
This guide is intended to assist agencies, organizations, and companies involved with watershed management activities with building a stakeholder group.
Incorporating Multiple Benefits into Water Projects: A Guide for Water Managers (2020)
This guidebook uses a “multi-benefit framework” to provide a modular, flexible approach for water managers interested in incorporating multiple benefits into water management decisions.
IWRM Action Plan Searcher (2021)
The IWRM Action Searcher is a database of priority actions for advancing IWRM as a means of achieving broader water-related objectives.
Market Scan Tool
The objective of a Market Scan is to identify potential partners with water intensive businesses and water risks with regard to water stewardship activities in order to increase engagement with corporate partners.
Nedbank Water Savings Guide (2020)
This guide shares information on making the best of every drop of water, with tips on how to save water and help shape a water-secure future.
One Pager Tool
Create company/stakeholder overviews as a preparation for meetings. It includes an overview of business, strategy highlights, risks and issues, engagements, and a list of potentially relevant people. This step should help to establish credibility and develop dialogue.
Partnership Internal Communication Plan: Guidance & Template
Access to consistent and accurate information on a large project which may influence individuals is critical to the effectiveness of a partnership. Ensure efficient and regular interaction among partners as well as engagement in shared objectives by using this guidance document and template.
Partnership Introduction Material
This standardized power point template can be used to introduce partnerships and actors.
Partnership Reference Success Story
Summarize final results and impact of the partnership using this template as guidance. Collect all partnership reference success stories, so that those can be utilized while negotiating with potential partners.
Partnership Reporting Progress Template
Reporting: Regular reporting to the Steering Committee regarding the partnership progress will create transparency and support trust building. Results of reporting should be regularly communicated to partners.
Management: Ensure that the expectations are clear and manage them properly. Regular effective and efficient communication is crucial. Ensure that all stakeholders are considered and adequately involved. -
Partnership Risk Management Plan
Identify and evaluate potential risks that might negatively influence partnership success or reputation of brand, create key messages for crisis situations, and ensure relevant risk mitigation action is taken and risks are followed up regularly using this template.
Problem Butterfly
Interactive brainstorming tool to jointly analyse risks, their causes, impact and impacted groups.
Setting Site Water Targets Informed By Catchment Context: A Guide For Companies (2019)
This guide aims to help companies set effective site water targets that are informed by catchment context, which can create value and lessen risks for the company and support collective action.
Shared Water, Shared Responsibility, Shared Approach: Water in the Mining Sector (2017)
This paper aims to support the goal of improving mining’s contribution to sustainable development through a focus on water.
Stakeholder / Institutional Analysis
Identify key players and all stakeholders for a successful partnership using this guidance and template.
Stakeholder Dialogues Manual (2011)
Stakeholder dialogues – dialogues between everyone working on a given theme – are increasingly proposed as an approach to problem-solving.
Target Group Engagement and External Communications in the Implementation Plan
Partnership target group engagement: use communications as a means to raise awareness, change attitude or behaviour among the partnership target groups (that are identified in stakeholder analysis)
Partnership external communications: showcase partnership achievements for both internal and external stakeholders (e.g. potential partners) -
The IWA Principles for Water-Wise Cities (2016)
IWA’s Principles for Water-Wise Cities establish a framework that assists urban stakeholders achieve sustainable urban water and emphasizes the importance of collaboration.
The Letter of Commitment: Template
The Letter of Commitment (LoCom) is a third-stage type of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which is legally binding, and establishes concrete expectations of financial and in-kind contributions from member parties in the Water Stewardship Partnership.
A template for partnerships that clearly define:
- Partnership Governance
- Roles & Responsibilities and GAP analysis
- Clear targets (beneficiaries)
- Budget & Planning
- External Communication
Value Proposition Tool
Positioning statement that explains what benefits the stewardship provides to different stakeholders and how it does it uniquely well.
Water Loss Reduction in Zamdela – “Metsimaholo Water Loss Reduction Project” (2019)
This case study looks at actions taken by Sasol to reduce water loss, improve municipal water infrastructure, and improve access to water for the local community in the Zamdela area of the Metsimaholo Local Municipality.
Water: A Human and Business Priority (2020)
This article examines how through proactive individual and collective action, businesses can combat the water crisis.
WaterAid Participation Ladder Tool (2018)
Monitor how effectively various groups feel like they are participating and involve in decision-making. The visual aid illustrates the different levels of participation. The diagram is to help the person carrying out the interview to assess where the person is on the participation ladder.