Strategy and Business Planning
Showing 1–50 of 123 results
A Multi-Benefit Approach to Water Management (2020)
This site includes an overview of the multi-benefit framework, examples for applying the framework, and resources for incorporating multiple benefits into your own work.
Acciona Agua – Sustainable Water Supply in Water Scarce Regions (2017)
Acciona created the Acciona Agua division to provide global solutions for the sustainable development of the water sector and to supply water to people primarily in water-scarce regions.
Achieving Abundance: Understanding the Cost of a Sustainable Water Future (2020)
This Working Paper proposes a method whereby any decision-maker can calculate the cost required to deliver sustainable water management to a geography.
Action Brief 3.1: Action Learning Projects (2018)
The projects aim to assess the current water use trends, identify and map out the key stakeholders, shared water-related risks, challenges and opportunity at the site and catchment level, and develop a water stewardship plan following the framework of AWS Standard.
At the Crest of a Wave: A Proactive Approach to Corporate Water Strategy (2007)
This report provides guidance on developing and implementing a water strategy based around innovation, investment, and collaboration.
Blueprint for Business Leadership on the SDGs: SDG 6 (2017)
This document provides guidance and examples for how businesses can be leaders in the efforts to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 6.
Breaking Down Barriers: Priority Actions for Advancing Water Quality Trading (2018)
This report investigates what’s keeping water quality trading on the sidelines and proposes a detailed action agenda to help get water quality trading on the ground in more watersheds across the United States.
Bridging Physical and Financial Business Water Risk (2014)
Bringing a Human Rights Lens To Corporate Water Stewardship (2012)
This paper aims to assist large-scale water-using companies by providing useful approaches to, and concrete examples of, what respect for the human right to water and sanitation means in practice.
BRK Ambiental Presents: Women and Sanitation (2019)
This study analyzes, from several complementary points of view, the issue of women’s lives and access to sanitation in Brazil, and how the lack of sanitation compromises the health of Brazilian women.
Business Case
Business case gives insight in the financial feasibility of a project. All project costs and revenues are systematically ordered and analyzed to assess whether the development of the project is feasible. All business cases need to be financially, socially and environmentally sustainable.
Business Concept
The Business Concept is the “idea” of how a project expects to create value.The costs are not central, but rather the value to be created.
Business Guide to Water Valuation (2015)
This report provides business-specific guidance on the main concepts and techniques associated with water valuation.
CEO Guide to Water (2018)
This guide lays out the business case for water, outlining physical and non-physical water-related risks and presents significant business opportunities connected to water.
Cities Alive: Water for People (2018)
The report explores pioneering water approaches in cities around the world.
Climate Change Adaptation Technologies for Water (2017)
Providing the most comprehensive overview of water adaptation technologies to date, this publication includes 102 adaptation technologies for building resilience to climate change-induced hazards in the water sector.
Coca-Cola: Respecting the Human Right to Water and Sanitation
As a beverage company, Coca-Cola recognize the indispensable nature of water in advancing healthy ecosystems, communities, business, agriculture and commerce.
Corporate Water Management and Stewardship: Signs of Evolution Towards Sustainability (2019)
This Briefing note on corporate water management and water stewardship identifies tentative signs of evolution towards sustainability by leading companies.
Cost Benefit Analysis Guidance
An outline of the main steps to execute a cost-benefit analysis.
Creating Vibrant Markets for Investment In Climate Solutions (2017)
This report identifies seven industry sectors that can make a crucial difference in catalyzing private investment: renewable energy, off-grid solar and energy storage, agribusiness, green buildings, urban transportation, water, and urban waste management
Drinking Water Guide: A Resource for Advocates (2019)
River Network’s Drinking Water Guide is a first step in helping to create a more informed and engaged national network of advocates for safe, clean, affordable, and sustainable drinking water systems.
Earth Security Index 2016: Business Diplomacy for Sustainable Development (2016)
The Earth Security Index provides leaders in business, government and society with a way to assess forces and scenarios that can shape a country’s development challenges, including water insecurity, water pollution, water virtual imports, and more.
Ecosystem Services Assessment: How to Do One in Practice (2013)
This guide integrates learning from a range of published ecosystem services case studies and applies it in logical steps to help practitioners make their own ecosystem services assessments.
Freshwater Resources: Managing the Risks Facing the Private Sector (2004)
This paper provides a snapshot of current global water issues, assesses the water-related risks most relevant for the business community, and describes the general kinds of activities companies can take to address them.
Guidance for Companies on Respecting the Human Rights to Water & Sanitation (2015)
This Guidance aims to help business effectively align corporate water stewardship practice with the corporate responsibility to respect the human rights to water and sanitation.
Guide to Responsible Business Engagement with Water Policy (2010)
This Guide provides a way for companies to address water risks and capture opportunities stemming from river basins conditions that cannot be achieved through changes in internal water management alone. The goal of this Guide is to make a compelling case for responsible water policy engagement and to support it with insights, strategies, and tactics needed to do so effectively.
ICMM Position Statement on Water Stewardship (2017)
This position statement sets out International Council on Mining & Metals (ICMM) members’ approach to water stewardship.
Incorporating Multiple Benefits into Water Projects: A Guide for Water Managers (2020)
This guidebook uses a “multi-benefit framework” to provide a modular, flexible approach for water managers interested in incorporating multiple benefits into water management decisions.
Insights from China’s Textile Manufacturers: Gaps to Overcome for Clean and Circular Fashion (2017)
The textile industry can use this report to target their actions on the most pressing issues and as a guide for their engagement with manufacturers to advance the transition to a circular apparel economy.
Investing in Forested Landscapes for Source Water Protection in the US (2013)
This publication offers comprehensive guidance on the economics, science, partnerships, and finance mechanisms underlying successful efforts to secure the water-related functions of forests and other ecosystems.
IUCN Global Standard for Nature-based Solutions (2020)
The IUCN Global Standard for Nature-based Solutions is a user-friendly framework for the verification, design and scaling up of Nature-based Solutions.
Launch of SDG 6 Indicator Reports (2018)
Seven reports that track progress towards the various targets set out in SDG 6 using the SDG global indicators.
Live: Country Experiences on COVID-19 and WASH (2020)
This live-blog shares WASH approaches Sanitation and Water for All partners are taking in response to the COVID-19 emergency.