Showing 51–100 of 167 results
Freshwater Resources: Managing the Risks Facing the Private Sector (2004)
This paper provides a snapshot of current global water issues, assesses the water-related risks most relevant for the business community, and describes the general kinds of activities companies can take to address them.
From Doing Better to Doing Enough: Anchoring Corporate Sustainability Targets in Science (2016)
This paper discusses what managers must consider when attempting to set science-based targets for their impact on the climate, land and water.
From Footprint to Public Policy: The Business Future For Addressing Water Issues (2009)
This paper features a roadmap of water risk identification and management approaches that many companies use to address water issues, framed as a journey from water footprint to public policy.
Global Forest Watch Water (2017)
Global Forest Watch Water is a global database and interactive mapping tool designed to help users find decision-relevant information on natural infrastructure to enhance water security.
Guide to Responsible Business Engagement with Water Policy (2010)
This Guide provides a way for companies to address water risks and capture opportunities stemming from river basins conditions that cannot be achieved through changes in internal water management alone. The goal of this Guide is to make a compelling case for responsible water policy engagement and to support it with insights, strategies, and tactics needed to do so effectively.
Half Full or Half Empty?: Water-Related Risks and Emerging Opportunities for Financial Institutions (2007)
These guidelines address the broad range of water related risks that are faced by financial institutions and the flip-side of those risks – the significant and growing water related opportunities.
Hotel Water Measurement Initiative (2016)
Measure and report on your hotels’ water use in a consistent manner.
ICMM Position Statement on Water Stewardship (2017)
This position statement sets out International Council on Mining & Metals (ICMM) members’ approach to water stewardship.
Incorporating Multiple Benefits into Water Projects: A Guide for Water Managers (2020)
This guidebook uses a “multi-benefit framework” to provide a modular, flexible approach for water managers interested in incorporating multiple benefits into water management decisions.
Insights from China’s Textile Manufacturers: Gaps to Overcome for Clean and Circular Fashion (2017)
The textile industry can use this report to target their actions on the most pressing issues and as a guide for their engagement with manufacturers to advance the transition to a circular apparel economy.
Internet of Water: Sharing and Integrating Water Data for Sustainability (2017)
This report provides a principle-based blueprint recommending a 3-step plan for how to design and launch a feasible and operable “Internet of Water” – a network of interconnected data producers, hubs, and users.
InVEST (2018)
InVEST is a suite of free, open-source software models used to map and value goods and services from nature.
Investigating Food and Agribusiness Corporations as Global Water Security, Management and Governance Agents: The Case of Nestlé, Bunge and Cargill (2012)
This article investigates how and why some of the world’s largest food and agribusiness corporations engage in global water management and governance in agro-food value chains and political economy networks, and in the emerging forms of transnational water governance.
Investing in Forested Landscapes for Source Water Protection in the US (2013)
This publication offers comprehensive guidance on the economics, science, partnerships, and finance mechanisms underlying successful efforts to secure the water-related functions of forests and other ecosystems.
Investor Risk Analysis: Why Groundwater Matters (2017)
Groundwater depletion confronts companies with existential threats, urging them to assess risks and use groundwater in evidence-base, sustainable manner. The knowledge about (the state and the trends of) these resources need to substantially increase for the benefit of all: the investors, society and environment.
ITP Destination Water Risk Index (2018)
The Index is designed to provide evidence and rationale to prioritize water conservation in capital allocation, development and renovation decisions, and operational focus in these top risk destination locations.
Itza Popo – Replenishing Groundwater through Reforestation in Mexico (2017)
Volkswagen partnered with Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas and local stakeholders to restore the functionality of the ecosystems on the volcanic slopes of Popocatépetl and Iztaccíhuatl in order to replenish groundwater in the Puebla Tlaxcala valley.
IUCN Global Standard for Nature-based Solutions (2020)
The IUCN Global Standard for Nature-based Solutions is a user-friendly framework for the verification, design and scaling up of Nature-based Solutions.
IWRM Action Plan Searcher (2021)
The IWRM Action Searcher is a database of priority actions for advancing IWRM as a means of achieving broader water-related objectives.
LafargeHolcim France | Water Management and Flood Prevention in France (2017)
This case study looks at LafargeHolcim’s approach to converting a quarry into water retention basins as a solution for flood control.
Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Water – Addressing the Global Crisis (2018)
This Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) gives an introduction to many different aspects of water, including finance, diplomacy, and water services.
Mississippi Headwaters: The Business Case for Conservation (2019)
This report analyzes the benefits and costs of improving water quality in the Mississippi Headwaters through land preservation and restoration.
Mitigating Corporate Water Risk (2012)
This paper proposes a decision framework for business water-risk response that considers financial instruments and supply management strategies.
Multi-Benefit Resource Library (2019)
The Pacific Institute has launched a resource library containing insights on the multiple benefits of a broad range of water management strategies.
Natural Capital Protocol (2019)
The Protocol offers a standardized framework for the identification, measurement, and valuation of impacts and dependencies on natural capital in order to inform organizational decisions.
Natural Infrastructure for Business (2015)
A platform that aims to strengthen the business case for investing in natural infrastructure.
Natural Infrastructure for Business Platform (2015)
Strengthen the business case for investment in natural infrastructure.
Natural infrastructure in the nexus (2015)
This paper discusses how natural infrastructure, the networks of land and water that provide services to people, can help decision makers and infrastructure managers address interconnected challenges facing water, energy and food systems, often referred to as the “nexus.”
Online Brine Platform (2019)
The Online Brine Platform is an active web service that aims to promote the flow of secondary raw materials by linking brine owners with mineral/water users and technology providers.
Onsite Non-Potable Water Reuse Practice Guide (2018)
The Non-Potable Water Reuse Practice Guide is written with practicing architects and other building design professionals in mind and provides explanations of why you may want to consider non-potable water reuse for projects.
Performance in the Watershed Context Concept Paper (2015)
This local watershed concept paper provides a practical perspective on the effects of local watersheds on your business, outlines the basic structure of a practical approach for applying changes, and advances stakeholder understanding of watershed conditions and challenges.
Performance in Watershed Context Insights Paper (2017)
The purpose of this paper is to share insights BIER has accumulated to help companies make informed water-related investments across a portfolio of operational sites.
Physical, Regulatory and Reputational Water Risks as Predictors of Water Stewardship among Global Corporations (2016)
This report examines the most important factors related to Corporate Water Stewardship practice among global corporations that publicly disclosed to the Carbon Disclosure Project Investor Water Program (CDP-IWP).
Preferred Fiber and Materials Market Report (2017)
This report offers personal accounts from fiber and materials experts “inside” the industry, demonstrating various company strategies and fiber priorities being implemented to achieve greater sustainability.
Putting Nature to Work: Integrating Green and Gray Infrastructure for Water Security and Climate Resilience (2019)
This report shows how putting nature to work can help deliver infrastructure services with greater impact and lower cost, all the while reducing risks from disaster, boosting water security and enhancing climate resilience.
Rainwater Capture and Storage for Drinking Water – an Iberdrola Case Study (2017)
This case study shows steps taken by Iberdrola SA to advance sustainable water use and the company’s commitment to meeting SDG 6.
Refinitiv Insight: A Deep Dive into Environmental Metrics (2019)
In this report, Refinitiv looks at its ESG database to understand what companies are doing to improve their impact on the environment, and which are positioning themselves for success in the transition to low-carbon economies.
Replenish (2015)
This brief introduces WWF’s perspectives on replenish and how it can fit into broader water stewardship strategies.