Strengthen informal basin water governance
Showing all 34 results
Action Brief 3.1: Action Learning Projects (2018)
The projects aim to assess the current water use trends, identify and map out the key stakeholders, shared water-related risks, challenges and opportunity at the site and catchment level, and develop a water stewardship plan following the framework of AWS Standard.
Blue Peace Index (2019)
The Blue Peace Index is a research tool that measures how well countries manage transboundary water resources.
Collective Action for Water Security and Sustainability: Preliminary Investigations (2014)
This study determines success and failure factors and effective tools or mechanisms to facilitate multi-stakeholder engagement processes in India based on identified global and domestic case studies.
Digital Technology Opportunities for the Colorado River Basin (2019)
This report is intended to profile the potential opportunities of emerging digital technologies to address the water quality and quantity challenges faced by public and private entities in the Basin.
Exploring the Case for Corporate Context-Based Water Targets (2017)
In order to contribute to long-term risk mitigation and tackle increasing water challenges, corporate water targets must be informed by the best available science on hydro-ecological conditions at the basin level, informed by contextual social needs, and aligned with local to global public policy objectives.
Grand Etang Forest Reserve, Grenada (2017)
This partnership intends to improve the management of the Grand Etang Lake as a water reservoir for southern Grenada’s drinking water supply, with the additional benefit of an eco-friendly use of the lake by local and international visitors.
Groundwater Exchange (2018)
The Groundwater Exchange is an online resource center connecting water managers, water users, and community members with tools and resources to support the design and implementation of effective Groundwater Sustainability Plans under California’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Act.
Guide for Managing Integrity in Water Stewardship Initiatives (2015)
This guide seeks to build on the lessons learned from the pioneers of WSIs around the world. Through a practical lens, and focusing on the needs of practitioners, the ultimate aim of this guide is to support existing and future WSIs in creating tangible benefits for society by ensuring high levels of integrity and transparency.
Guide to Water-Related Collective Action (2012)
Establish enduring relationships with a broad spectrum of stakeholders, leaders, and individuals to advance sustainable water management.
Imarisha Naivasha Water Stewardship Partnership (2017)
The Imarisha Naivasha Water Stewardship Programme wanted to improve the water availability for communities and businesses in the Lake Naivasha Basin and to improve the water quality by implementing soil and water conservation activities and community water projects.
Improved Community Livelihoods and Sustainable Water Management in the River Rwizi Catchment (2017)
This partnership has shown that stakeholder buy-in is a crucial element for the success of the Act Phase. In the case of the partnership in the River Rwizi catchment, ensuring the buy-in and understanding of all stakeholders significantly helped facilitate the implementation of activities and also increased the overall sustainability of the interventions.
Investing in Forested Landscapes for Source Water Protection in the US (2013)
This publication offers comprehensive guidance on the economics, science, partnerships, and finance mechanisms underlying successful efforts to secure the water-related functions of forests and other ecosystems.
Itawa Springs Protection Project
The Imarisha Naivasha Water Stewardship Programme wanted to improve the water availability for communities and businesses in the Lake Naivasha Basin and to improve the water quality by implementing soil and water conservation activities and community water projects.
Leveraging the Power of Collaborations (2020)
This report explores the dynamics driving the evolution of company collaboration in and across sectors and highlights some of the innovative models that have developed.
Lusaka Water Security Initiative (LuWSI) (2017)
LuWSI is a multi-stakeholder collaboration system inspired by and working towards the vision of water security for the residents and businesses of Lusaka.
Lusaka Water Security Initiative: Wellfield Protection Project (2017)
The objective of this partnership is to protect LWSC wellfields at Shaft 5 and Mass Media, in an environmentally, socially, and financially sustainable manner securing groundwater supply for Lusaka’s residents and businesses.
Mississippi Headwaters: The Business Case for Conservation (2019)
This report analyzes the benefits and costs of improving water quality in the Mississippi Headwaters through land preservation and restoration.
Mlalakua River Restoration Project (MRRP) (2017)
The overall objective of the Mlalakua River Restoration Project (MRRP) was to restore the health of the Mlalakua River and to prevent further pollution.
Saint Lucia Water Stewardship Partnership (Act) (2017)
This partnership formed to identify fast-working, effective measures to improve erratic water supply and security in the Vieux Fort area of Saint Lucia, to collectively secure the water supply for communities and businesses in the area, and to foster active participation from villagers and civil society organizations in collaboration with the public water utility and private businesses in the area.
Saint Lucia Water Stewardship Partnership (Commit) (2017)
The initial commitment phase in Saint Lucia spanned just over a half a year from the first contacts made in September 2014 to the final project agreement in early 2015.
Serving the Public Interest: Corporate Water Stewardship and Sustainable Development (2015)
An increasing number of companies recognize that water poses a significant risk to their business and have begun to take action to mitigate their risks via improved water management practices and stewardship. This paper proposes a new recognition that companies seeking to manage water-related business risks can and should contribute to improved water and sanitation management and governance that is also in the public interest.
Shared Water Challenges and Interests: The Case for Private Sector Engagement in Water Policy and Management (2014)
This paper articulates the need to allow companies to contribute to water management efforts, to assist them instead of excluding them, and to insist that they operate in a manner that justifies their presence and is welcomed by local stakeholders.
Shared Water, Shared Responsibility, Shared Approach: Water in the Mining Sector (2017)
This paper aims to support the goal of improving mining’s contribution to sustainable development through a focus on water.
Soil and Water Assessment Tool (2018)
This tool can be used to simulate the quality and quantity of surface and ground water and predict the environmental impact of land use, land management practices, and climate change.
Sustainable Water Management in Usa River (SUWAMA-Usa) (2017)
The Sustainable Water Management in Usa River (SUWAMA-Usa) is a partnership with the objective to improve water security at the sub-catchment level.
The IWA Principles for Water-Wise Cities (2016)
IWA’s Principles for Water-Wise Cities establish a framework that assists urban stakeholders achieve sustainable urban water and emphasizes the importance of collaboration.
Water Action Hub (2018)
The Water Action Hub is an online water stewardship knowledge sharing and collaboration tool developed by the CEO Water Mandate and the Pacific Institute.
Water Management and Stewardship (2016)
Overview report on corporate water management and stewardship actions.
Water: A Human and Business Priority (2020)
This article examines how through proactive individual and collective action, businesses can combat the water crisis.