Showing 51–92 of 92 results
Partnership Risk Management Plan
Identify and evaluate potential risks that might negatively influence partnership success or reputation of brand, create key messages for crisis situations, and ensure relevant risk mitigation action is taken and risks are followed up regularly using this template.
Problem Butterfly
Interactive brainstorming tool to jointly analyse risks, their causes, impact and impacted groups.
Risks and Opportunities Assessment
Identify typical risks and damages resulting from water impacts in the area. For the risk assessment, hazards as well as impacts need to be identified for all elements defined under the scope of application. To assess risks it can help to develop impact chains from the impact to the cause. It is important to have in mind that hazards inside and outside the system under investigation must be considered as well as the impacts resulting from them.
SDG Resource Centre (2017)
Leading-edge information on the Sustainable Development Goals.
Smart Water Navigator (2019)
The Smart Water Navigator is based on a simple, 13-question assessment that offers a practical guide to smart, sustainable water practices, providing a roadmap that will help your facilities improve the way they use water.
Soil and Water Assessment Tool (2018)
This tool can be used to simulate the quality and quantity of surface and ground water and predict the environmental impact of land use, land management practices, and climate change.
Stakeholder / Institutional Analysis
Identify key players and all stakeholders for a successful partnership using this guidance and template.
SUSFARMS Sustainability Tool (2019)
The Sustainable Sugarcane Farm Management System (SUSFARMS®) is a farming system designed to encourage sustainable, responsible sugarcane production through the implementation of better management practices (BMPs).
Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management Toolbox (2020)
The SSWM Toolbox compiles thousands of “best of” instruments geared to optimize sanitation and water management intervention at a local level all curated in an easy-to-understand yet comprehensive way.
SWA Tools Portal
This Portal aims to make the tools and resources developed by individual partners that strengthen WASH more accessible and easier to navigate.
Swachh Bharat (Clean India) Mission: Management Information System (MIS) and Mobile App
The Indian government is aiming to achieve an Open-Defecation Free (ODF) India by 2019, by constructing 12 million toilets in rural India. They have developed a monitoring dashboard and mobile app to track progress towards this goal. The Indian government is aiming to achieve an Open-Defecation Free (ODF) India by 2019, by constructing 12 million toilets in rural India. They have developed a monitoring dashboard and mobile app to track progress towards this goal.
SWP Toolkit: Improving Water Security
This series of toolkits presents an effective and efficient process to address water risks.
Target Group Engagement and External Communications in the Implementation Plan
Partnership target group engagement: use communications as a means to raise awareness, change attitude or behaviour among the partnership target groups (that are identified in stakeholder analysis)
Partnership external communications: showcase partnership achievements for both internal and external stakeholders (e.g. potential partners) -
The AWS E-Standard and Guidance (2020)
The AWS E-Standard and Guidance is an online, interactive version of the AWS Standard 2.0, a globally-applicable framework for major water users to understand their water use and impacts, and to work collaboratively and transparently for sustainable water management within a catchment context.
The Fieldprint Calculator (2017)
Understand how management choices impact sustainability and operational efficiency on corn, cotton, rice, wheat, potato, and soybean farms.
The Freshwater Health Index (2017)
Assess the health of the freshwater ecosystems that are important to your company’s operations.
The Internet of Water – Inventory Tool
The mission of the IoW is to build a dynamic and voluntary network of communities and institutions to facilitate the opening, sharing, and integration of water data and information.
The Letter of Commitment: Template
The Letter of Commitment (LoCom) is a third-stage type of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which is legally binding, and establishes concrete expectations of financial and in-kind contributions from member parties in the Water Stewardship Partnership.
A template for partnerships that clearly define:
- Partnership Governance
- Roles & Responsibilities and GAP analysis
- Clear targets (beneficiaries)
- Budget & Planning
- External Communication
The WASH Pledge and Self-Assessment Tool (2020)
By signing the WASH Pledge, companies commit to implementing access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene at the workplace.
Value Proposition Tool
Positioning statement that explains what benefits the stewardship provides to different stakeholders and how it does it uniquely well.
WASH Bottleneck Analysis Tool (WASHBAT) (2016)
WASH-BAT is an analysis and monitoring online tool developed to assess the enabling environment of WASH delivery by tracking the removal of barriers to services at national, regional, service provider, and community levels. Users register for access.
WASH Pledge self-assessment tool for business (2020)
Evaluate the current status of access to safe WASH at the workplace in a given facility of your company.
WASH@Work: A Self-Training Handbook (2016)
ILO, in collaboration with member States and social partners, provides several training tools and international instruments to promote occupational safety and health (OSH).
Water Action Hub (2018)
The Water Action Hub is an online water stewardship knowledge sharing and collaboration tool developed by the CEO Water Mandate and the Pacific Institute.
Water Evaluation And Planning (WEAP) (2018)
A user-friendly software and tool that takes an integrated approach to water resources planning. Users register to access this free tool.
Water Risk and Action Plan
Project planning. Map out a roadmap of activities using this guidance template.
Water Risk Filter Suite
The Water Risk Filter can be used to assess and respond to water related risks for your own operations, suppliers, or growth plans.
Watershed Ecosystem Service Tool (2018)
Explore how ecosystem services, land uses, and socioeconomic factors interact across Cambodia’s landscapes.
weADAPT (2018)
weADAPT is an online ‘open space’ on climate adaptation issues designed to facilitate learning, exchange, collaboration and knowledge integration to build a professional community focused on adaptation issues while developing policy-relevant tools and guidance.
World Bank Open Data (2018)
World Bank databases are essential tools for supporting critical management decisions and providing key statistical information for Bank operational activities. This site is designed to make World Bank data easy to find, download, and use.