Showing all 6 results
Climate Change Adaptation Technologies for Water (2017)
Providing the most comprehensive overview of water adaptation technologies to date, this publication includes 102 adaptation technologies for building resilience to climate change-induced hazards in the water sector.
Drought Toolbox (2019)
The Drought Toolbox provides drought stakeholders with easy access to tools, case studies, and other resources to support the design of National Drought Policy Plan.
IWRM Action Plan Searcher (2021)
The IWRM Action Searcher is a database of priority actions for advancing IWRM as a means of achieving broader water-related objectives.
IWRM Data Portal (2015)
Examine the progress of IWRM implementation within individual countries and track the global progress towards better management of our water resources.
Setting Site Water Targets Informed By Catchment Context: A Guide For Companies (2019)
This guide aims to help companies set effective site water targets that are informed by catchment context, which can create value and lessen risks for the company and support collective action.
Status Report on the Implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management in Africa (2018)
This report draws on data submitted by 51 African countries to track the progress of integrated water resources management (IWRM) across Africa.