water efficiency
Showing 1–50 of 61 results
A Multi-Benefit Approach to Water Management (2020)
This site includes an overview of the multi-benefit framework, examples for applying the framework, and resources for incorporating multiple benefits into your own work.
Benefit Accounting of Nature-Based Solutions for Watersheds: Guide (2021)
This guide indicates which specific NBS activities can be implemented in various habitats and suggests methods for measuring the benefits.
Beverage Industry Continues to Drive Improvement in Water, Energy, and Emissions Efficiency (2019)
The tenth Benchmarking Study released by the Beverage Industry Environmental Roundtable (BIER) is a comprehensive quantitative and qualitative benchmark of water, energy, and emissions efficiency in the beverage industry.
Chlorine Dioxide Program Controls Biological Growth and Saves Water (2018)
This case study explores how Ecolab used a chlorine dioxide program at an Egyptian fertilizer plant to control biological growth in order to reduce water consumption, maintenance costs, corrosion rates, and chemical usage.
Circular Solution Saves Water and Energy – Ecolab Case Study (2017)
This case study demonstrates how Nalco Water helped a Nestlé milk production plant in Brazil reduce water consumption by forming a plan to use condensate organic water generated from the production of powdered milk as cooling tower make-up.
Cities Alive: Water for People (2018)
The report explores pioneering water approaches in cities around the world.
Comprehensive CIP Technology Helps Dairy Plant Reduce Water Use (2018)
A dairy manufacturer used Ecolab’s 3D TRASAR CIP technology to reduce water use and increase quality and consistency of its products at one of its plants in Michigan. Ecolab’s CIP technology provided the plant with a more comprehensive system for cleaning and sanitizing its milk processing equipment and to help protect its products from microbial contamination.
Cooling Water Technology Increases Cycles of Concentration and Saves Chemical Plant Over $116,000/year (2017)
This case study explores how a chemical plant used Ecolab’s new cooling water technology to successfully decrease the amount of cooling blowdown sent to a municipal wastewater treatment plant by 29 million gallons per year.
CottonUp (2018)
This guide aims to provide professionals with the practical information and resources to either start sourcing sustainable cotton or increase volumes.
Danone Dairy Plant Quenches Thirst Efficiently – Ecolab Case Study (2017)
In 2014, Danone asked Nalco Water to conduct a Mechanical, Operational, Chemical and Sustainability (MOCS) audit of the water treatment system of its dairy plants in Tchehov, Russia, resulting in the implementation of 3D TRASAR technology to improve system operations and reduce water use.
Delivering Bright Whites with Green Initiatives – Ecolab Case Study (2017)
This case study explores the results of a U.S. linens provider working with Ecolab to reduce water consumption.
Detroit Hamtramck a General Motors Case Study (2017)
This case study explores how General Motors added an additional retention pond for storm water to a Detroit facility in order to reduce water withdrawals by 20% through rainwater harvesting and reduce the quantity of water being treated by the city of Detroit.
Ecolab Case Study: 3D TRASAR Technology Reduces Fresh Water Consumption at Chemical Plant (2018)
This case study explores how Ecolab used 3D TRASAR technology and trained experts to reduce a chemical plant’s demand for fresh water through better water resource utilization and improved asset reliability.
Ecolab Case Study: Ford Saves Water With Smart Technology (2017)
This case study explores how the collaboration between Ford and Nalco Water has focused on a Chicago assembly plant’s cooling towers and pre-treatment baths to reduce water use.
Ecolab Case Study: Saving Water and Energy at Asia Pacific Commercial Laundries (2017)
This case study explores how Ecolab used state-of-the-art filtration systems and wash process expertise to save 445 million gallons of water annually at 22 Asia Pacific commercial laundries, leading to reduced energy use and cost savings of $1.5 million per year.
ICMM Position Statement on Water Stewardship (2017)
This position statement sets out International Council on Mining & Metals (ICMM) members’ approach to water stewardship.
Improving Cooling Water Efficiency at a Petrochemical Plant – Ecolab Case Study (2010)
This case study explores how a petrochemical plant partnered with Nalco and implemented 3D TRASAR technology to ensure system performance and reduce water use.
Improving Operational Sustainability at an ArcelorMittal Steel Mill – Ecolab Case Study (2017)
Ecolab took multiple steps at ArcelorMittal’s Galati Steel Mill to help create a more sustainable operation, including implementing 3D TRASAR Technology in one of ArcelorMittal’s blast furnace open cooling systems, switching the make-up water source from demineralized water to soft water, and optimizing the recirculation pumps.
Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration (IHA) (2018)
Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration (IHA) is a software program that allows water resource managers, hydrologists, ecologists, researchers and policy makers to assess how rivers, lakes and groundwater basins have been affected by human activities over time – or to evaluate future water management scenarios.
Investigating Food and Agribusiness Corporations as Global Water Security, Management and Governance Agents: The Case of Nestlé, Bunge and Cargill (2012)
This article investigates how and why some of the world’s largest food and agribusiness corporations engage in global water management and governance in agro-food value chains and political economy networks, and in the emerging forms of transnational water governance.
Italian Meat Processor Reduces Water and Energy Use – Ecolab Case Study (2017)
This case study shows how Nalco Water strategized to make Italian meat processor Inalca SpA’s operations more sustainable.
LafargeHolcim Philippines | Green Roof and Water Management in Philippines Government Office Building (2017)
This case study explores LafargeHolcim’s support of the Philippines government’s mission to protect the Laguna Lake area by providing an innovative green roof for the government’s new building which neutralizes the pH of rainwater run-off, among other benefits.
Laundry Solution Yields Savings and Guest Satisfaction – Ecolab Case Study (2017)
This case study shows how Ecolab assessed Kinseth Hospitality’s cleaning operations and implemented a program to reduce water use and save energy.
LS&Co. Water Recycle/Reuse Standard (2014)
Levi Strauss & Co. has issued this standard to encourage preservation of fresh water through water recycling.
Managed Aquifer Recharge Portal (2018)
Managed aquifer recharge (MAR) represents a viable method for sustainable water management. This viewer provides a global overview of MAR suitability maps and MAR case studies and their relevant parameters.
Nalco Membrane Technology Helps Fertilizer Plant Reduce Water Use (2014)
This case study explores how Ecolab helped a fertilizer plant in Latin America achieve significant improvements in the performance of its reverse osmosis system with the help of 3D TRASAR Membrane Technology, resulting in reduced use of water, chemicals and labor.
No Water No Growth (2018)
This report seeks to provide an overview of the way in which the social and economic development of continental Asia is dependent on the resources of ten rivers.
Open Source: Water Innovation (2016)
This good practice shares Levi Strauss & Co’s innovative water conserving finishing techniques. The company’s Water<Less process can save up to 96 percent of the water used in the denim finishing process.
Paper Mill’s Power Plant Saves Water – Ecolab Case Study (2018)
This case study looks at Nalco Water’s use of 3D TRASAR Technology to generate an annual water savings of 14,430 m3 for a paper mill’s power plant.
Polyester Plant Cools Down and Reduces Wetlands Discharge (2017)
Ecolab helped a polyester resins and fibers plant reduce the amount of wastewater sent to a municipal treatment plant by 29 million gallons of water annually using products containing Performance Polymer and 3D TRASAR technology, supporting the plant’s sustainability objectives and improving worker safety by reducing chemical handling.
Rainwater Capture and Storage for Drinking Water – an Iberdrola Case Study (2017)
This case study shows steps taken by Iberdrola SA to advance sustainable water use and the company’s commitment to meeting SDG 6.
Reducing Water Consumption at a Textile Service Operator in Europe – Ecolab Case Study (2015)
This case study explores how a partnership between Ecolab and a leading textile service operator in Europe has resulted in processes and solutions that deliver quality washed textiles, while reducing water and energy use.
Replenish (2015)
This brief introduces WWF’s perspectives on replenish and how it can fit into broader water stewardship strategies.
Rio Tinto | Optimizing the Efficient Use of Scarce Water Resources at Oyu Tolgoi Mine (2017)
Rio Tinto took multiple steps to optimize water use at the Oyo Tolgoi copper and gold mine located in Mongolia’s water scarce South province.
Rising Water Stress Risk Threatens US Coal Plants, Largely Clustered in 5 States (2020)
This article explores how many US coal-fired power plants are facing water stress due to climate change.
Safer Chemistry Innovation in the Textile and Apparel Industry (2018)
This report provides an overview of safer chemistry innovation in the textile and apparel sector and identifies hazardous chemicals, which can end up discharged into the environment, potentially causing surface water pollution.
Saving Water at a Gas-To-Liquids Refinery – Ecolab Case Study
Ecolab partnered with a major gas-to-liquids refinery in South Africa to mitigate its cooling water management challenges, helping to manage the refinery’s corrosion, microbial activity, and water consumption.
Solutions for Sustainable Water Savings (2007)
This good practice provides a framework for site managers, corporate officers, engineering firms, and water saving advocates to develop a water efficiency objective, and shows the necessary steps in delivering a reduction of water footprint and measuring the associated financial impact.
Survival of the Driest – Olam’s Innovative Onion Breeding Program (2017)
Olam’s long-term selective breeding program to produce onions with higher solid content and lower water content, combined with a focus on optimizing irrigation in collaboration with the growers.
Sweden Textile Water Initiative Guidelines (2017)
Sweden Textile Water Initiative is based on the idea that fashion brands must cooperate and follow common guidelines in order to achieve sustainable water use.
Swedish Pulp and Paper Mill Wrings Out Water and Generates Savings (2017)
This case study demonstrates how Ecolab helped a Swedish pulp and paper mill improve their sludge handling and dewatering operations.
The Business Case for Sustainable Hotels (2020)
This report offers research that analyzes the business case for sustainable hotels under six categories, and provides recommendations, evidence and actions for each partner in the property value chain.
The Elephant in the Boardroom: Why Unchecked Consumption is Not an Option (2017)
This discussion paper examines the need for companies to openly acknowledge and discuss the business dependency on consumption, exploring the topic through three different product examples – cars, beef, and clothing.
The IWA Principles for Water-Wise Cities (2016)
IWA’s Principles for Water-Wise Cities establish a framework that assists urban stakeholders achieve sustainable urban water and emphasizes the importance of collaboration.
The Life Cycle of a Jean (2015)
This case study looks closely at a pair of Levi Strauss & Co. stone wash jeans with the goal of helping companies in the apparel sector take more effective and holistic approaches to the industry’s environmental impact.