Water strategy
Showing 1–50 of 146 results
A Multi-Benefit Approach to Water Management (2020)
This site includes an overview of the multi-benefit framework, examples for applying the framework, and resources for incorporating multiple benefits into your own work.
A New Textiles Economy: Redesigning Fashion’s Future (2017)
This report outlines a vision of a new textiles economy in which clothes, textiles, and fibers are kept at their highest value during use and re-enter the economy afterwards, never ending up as waste.
Acciona Agua – Sustainable Water Supply in Water Scarce Regions (2017)
Acciona created the Acciona Agua division to provide global solutions for the sustainable development of the water sector and to supply water to people primarily in water-scarce regions.
Achieving Abundance: Understanding the Cost of a Sustainable Water Future (2020)
This Working Paper proposes a method whereby any decision-maker can calculate the cost required to deliver sustainable water management to a geography.
Action Brief 3.1: Action Learning Projects (2018)
The projects aim to assess the current water use trends, identify and map out the key stakeholders, shared water-related risks, challenges and opportunity at the site and catchment level, and develop a water stewardship plan following the framework of AWS Standard.
At the Crest of a Wave: A Proactive Approach to Corporate Water Strategy (2007)
This report provides guidance on developing and implementing a water strategy based around innovation, investment, and collaboration.
Avaliando os benefícios das Soluções Baseadas na Natureza para o planejamento de bacias hidrográficas (2020)
Esta avaliação da paisagem é o resultado da Fase 1 de um projeto de três fases e foi projetada para informar o caminho a se seguir para envolver o setor privado no investimento em soluções baseadas na natureza (SBN).
Bending the Curve of Global Freshwater Biodiversity Loss: An Emergency Recovery Plan (2020)
This report presents an Emergency Recovery Plan to bend the curve of freshwater biodiversity loss.
Benefit Accounting of Nature-Based Solutions for Watersheds: Guide (2021)
This guide indicates which specific NBS activities can be implemented in various habitats and suggests methods for measuring the benefits.
Blueprint for Business Leadership on the SDGs: SDG 6 (2017)
This document provides guidance and examples for how businesses can be leaders in the efforts to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 6.
Breaking Down Barriers: Priority Actions for Advancing Water Quality Trading (2018)
This report investigates what’s keeping water quality trading on the sidelines and proposes a detailed action agenda to help get water quality trading on the ground in more watersheds across the United States.
Bridging Physical and Financial Business Water Risk (2014)
Business Guide to Water Valuation (2015)
This report provides business-specific guidance on the main concepts and techniques associated with water valuation.
Business Reporting on the SDGs: An Analysis of the Goals and Targets (2017)
This analysis is an inventory of possible disclosures per SDG, at the level of the 169 targets.
CEO Guide to Water (2018)
This guide lays out the business case for water, outlining physical and non-physical water-related risks and presents significant business opportunities connected to water.
Cities Alive: Water for People (2018)
The report explores pioneering water approaches in cities around the world.
Climate Change Adaptation Technologies for Water (2017)
Providing the most comprehensive overview of water adaptation technologies to date, this publication includes 102 adaptation technologies for building resilience to climate change-induced hazards in the water sector.
Climate Change and the Global Water Crisis: What Businesses Need to Know and Do (2009)
Businesses will face vastly increased uncertainty about the availability and quality of their water supplies. It will become increasingly crucial for businesses to incorporate climate change factors when assessing and managing their water risks.
Collaborative Conservation and Adaptation Strategy Toolbox (CCAST) (2018)
The Southwest Climate Hub, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Reclamation, and Forest Service have collaborated to create an online library of conservation case studies.
Corporate Water Management and Stewardship: Signs of Evolution Towards Sustainability (2019)
This Briefing note on corporate water management and water stewardship identifies tentative signs of evolution towards sustainability by leading companies.
Corporate Water Resilience in an Uncertain Future (2020)
This paper summarizes existing literature assessing the physical risks of climate change to the private sector and examples of how the private sector can address these risks and build their water resilience.
Corporate Water Stewardship and the Case for Green Infrastructure (2018)
This report makes the case for private sector investment in green infrastructure as part of a broader water stewardship approach.
Corporate Water Stewardship: Achieving a Sustainable Balance (2013)
This paper presents a business case and strategy that reconciles these complex issues into a cohesive framework for industry to achieve a 100% sustainable water balance (i.e., water neutrality) in a way that creates business value.
Creating Vibrant Markets for Investment In Climate Solutions (2017)
This report identifies seven industry sectors that can make a crucial difference in catalyzing private investment: renewable energy, off-grid solar and energy storage, agribusiness, green buildings, urban transportation, water, and urban waste management
Desalination’s Role in a Circular Water Economy Research Brief (2020)
This research brief highlights key policy insights from the publication “Desalination for a Circular Water Economy” in Energy and Environmental Sciences.
Developing a Global Compendium on Water Quality Guidelines (2018)
This report lays the groundwork for an online compendium to improve access to examples of water quality guidelines and facilitate a better understanding of how water quality demand and supply can contribute to appropriate and economical multi-sectoral water resource management.
Digital Technology Opportunities for the Colorado River Basin (2019)
This report is intended to profile the potential opportunities of emerging digital technologies to address the water quality and quantity challenges faced by public and private entities in the Basin.
Earth Security Index 2016: Business Diplomacy for Sustainable Development (2016)
The Earth Security Index provides leaders in business, government and society with a way to assess forces and scenarios that can shape a country’s development challenges, including water insecurity, water pollution, water virtual imports, and more.
Ecosystem Services Assessment: How to Do One in Practice (2013)
This guide integrates learning from a range of published ecosystem services case studies and applies it in logical steps to help practitioners make their own ecosystem services assessments.
Engaging the Private Sector in Water Security (2018)
The 2030 Agenda calls explicitly for a rekindling of the global partnership (SDG 17 Partnerships for the Goals) and provides the impetus to move from a fragmented to an integrated, multistakeholder approach to development. Participation of the private sector is vital in this multistakeholder approach.
Freshwater Resources: Managing the Risks Facing the Private Sector (2004)
This paper provides a snapshot of current global water issues, assesses the water-related risks most relevant for the business community, and describes the general kinds of activities companies can take to address them.
From Doing Better to Doing Enough: Anchoring Corporate Sustainability Targets in Science (2016)
This paper discusses what managers must consider when attempting to set science-based targets for their impact on the climate, land and water.
From Footprint to Public Policy: The Business Future For Addressing Water Issues (2009)
This paper features a roadmap of water risk identification and management approaches that many companies use to address water issues, framed as a journey from water footprint to public policy.
Global Forest Watch Water (2017)
Global Forest Watch Water is a global database and interactive mapping tool designed to help users find decision-relevant information on natural infrastructure to enhance water security.