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Aqueduct Global Water Indicators (2015)
Aqueduct Global Water Indicators include indicators of water quantity, water variability, water quality, public awareness of water issues, access to water, and ecosystem vulnerability.
Aqueduct Water Stress Projections Data (2015)
Provides indicators of change in water supply, water demand, water stress, and seasonal variability, projected for the coming decades under scenarios of climate and economic growth.
CDP Water Database (2016)
CDP’s Water Program motivates companies to disclose and reduce their environmental impacts by using the power of investors and customers. The CDP Water Database influences decision makers to reduce risk, capitalize on opportunities and drive action towards a more sustainable world.
Diageo’s Water of Life Program
Diageo has committed to helping a million people a year through improved water supply and sanitation in Africa through their Water of Life program.
Environmental Data Explorer (2015)
An online database holding more than 500 different variables covering themes like freshwater, population, forests, emissions, climate, disasters, health, and GDP.
European Water Statistics (2016)
The European Water Statistics database, developed by Eurostat, includes data on global water resources and use, including abstractions and use by economic activity.
FAO Aquastat (2016)
Provides data related to water resources, water uses and agricultural water management, with an emphasis on countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean.
Frontiers of CLTS: How to Trigger for Handwashing with Soap (2014)
The purpose of this document is to outline several practical tools which can be used as a part of CLTS in order to trigger realisation among communities of the importance of handwashing with soap, as well as eliminating open defecation.
Global Development Datasets (2014)
Global development datasets for annual freshwater withdrawals by industry type, percentage of population with access to improved water sources, and water productivity.
Implementation of WASH for Workers and Communities – Case Studies
Nestlé has worked with the WBCSD on adopting and implementing the WASH Pledge throughout their value chain in India, Cameroon, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama.
IWMI Water Data Portal (2014)
The IWMI Water Data Portal provides access to meteorological, hydrological, socio-economic, and spatial data related to water and agriculture.
JMP Global WASH Database (2015)
The WHO/UNICEFJMP Global WASH Database provides data originating from 1990 on global access to drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH).
Lake Naivasha Initiative | Scoping the Right Level of Engagement (2009)
The horticulture industry around Lake Naivasha leverages collective action to reduce their impact on the lake and engage in water stewardship.
Oil & Gas Company in Tunisia: Conflict and Divisions within Local Communities (2011)
A company faces challenges in engaging local fishing communities.
Replenish Africa Initiative (RAIN)
RAIN is the Coca-Cola Africa Foundation’s (TCCAF) flagship program, and it aims to provide 6 million people in 35 countries in Africa with access to safe water by the end of 2020.
Rivers in Crisis (2010)
Rivers in Crisis is a global dataset of threats to biodiversity, eutrophication, sediment loading, cropland, wetland disconnectivity, soil salinization, pesticide loading, and river fragmentation.
Status Report on the Implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management in Africa (2018)
This report draws on data submitted by 51 African countries to track the progress of integrated water resources management (IWRM) across Africa.
Supporting WASH Outcomes for Cocoa Famers in Ghana and C’ote diVoire
Nestlé is working with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) to improve access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene in rural communities in Africa.
The Water and Development Alliance (WADA)
WADA is a collaboration between Coca-Cola and USAID to improve water resource management and expand access to drinking water and sanitation services for poor and marginalized people in developing countries.
Water Around the Mediterranean Report (2017)
Revolve Water, in association with the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), recently published their “Water Around the Mediterranean” 2017 report. Dedicated to communicating the value of water, Revolve Water’s organizational mission is to identify, encourage and implement innovative solutions for citizens, companies, and cities to become more sustainable in their water and energy usage.
WaterStat (2005)
Developed by the Water Footprint Network, WaterStat is the world’s most comprehensive water footprint database. WaterStat ensures that scientifically rigorous water footprint statistics are available for everyone to use.
Woolworths’ Collective Action to Clear Alien Plants in the Breede Catchment (2016)
Case study on collaborative water stewardship and invasive plant species removal in South Africa.
Working Towards Better Water Management in South Africa (2015)
Companies, farmers, and government are working together in the Western Cape of South Africa to address shared water risks.