Showing 301–350 of 380 results
The Value of Water (2015)
A framework for understanding water valuation, risk, and stewardship.
The Value of Water for Business (2021)
This session featured corporate leaders discussing what “water means to the business sector” and why it should be prioritized in business decision making, as well as introduced two practical tools to help companies advance water stewardship practices. The session can be viewed in English, Portuguese, and Spanish.
The WASH Pledge and Self-Assessment Tool (2020)
By signing the WASH Pledge, companies commit to implementing access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene at the workplace.
The Water and Development Alliance (WADA)
WADA is a collaboration between Coca-Cola and USAID to improve water resource management and expand access to drinking water and sanitation services for poor and marginalized people in developing countries.
Threading the Needle (2018)
This report is a culmination of industry interviews, non-government organization inputs, and desk research, intended to guide companies grappling with how to integrate the SDGs into their core business and global supply chain.
Towards a World Free of Untreated Wastewater (2017)
Despite multiple benefits that wastewater brings to communities, progress on treatment of wastewater and fit-for-purpose use of treated wastewater remains very slow in many developing countries.
Troubled Waters (2020)
This piece explains the causes of water stress, why it is likely to intensify in the decades ahead, and sketches out financial implications for portfolios.
UN Environment’s Freshwater Strategy 2017-2021 (2017)
This strategy report is designed to bring together the organization’s work that touches upon freshwater and provide a catalyst for action with various partners and stakeholders, at different levels of engagement.
UN Global Compact 20th-Anniversary Progress Report: Uniting Business in the Decade of Action (2020)
This report provides an assessment of how companies participating in the UN Global Compact are adopting the Ten Principles and taking action to deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
UN-Water Annual Report 2018
This report highlights steps taken by UN-Water in 2018 to continue its mission to coordinate the efforts of UN entities and international organizations working on water and sanitation issues.
UN-Water Global Analysis and Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking-Water (GLAAS) (2019)
The UN-Water Global Analysis and Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking-Water (GLAAS) provides policy- and decision-makers at all levels with easily accessible and comprehensive analyses to make informed decisions for sanitation, drinking-water, and hygiene.
Uncharted Waters: The New Economics of Water Scarcity and Variability (2017)
This report presents new evidence to advance understanding on how rainfall shocks coupled with water scarcity, impacts farms, firms, and families.
Understanding Hygiene Promotion in the Context of the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak (2020)
This note provides guidance on which aspects to consider when planning and implementing a hygiene promotion campaign as part of a broader risk communication and community engagement strategy.
Urban Waters – How Does Water Impact and is Impacted by Cities and Human Settlements? (2018)
This publication explores water in urban areas, not only in terms of water management, governance and infrastructure, but also in terms of challenges and opportunities of water bodies as biospheres and ecosystems within and close to urban areas.
Use of Market-Based Incentives in Watershed Management (2016)
Managing watersheds shouldn’t just be about regulations. It should be about developing complementary models for the protection and rehabilitation of watersheds through community participation schemes, public-private partnerships and private investment structures.
Utilizing Ultra-filtration to Treat Wastewater in Adhesive Manufacturing
Ultra-filtration is a wastewater treatment method that is particularly effective in removing suspended solids, oil and grease, and complex heavy metals. Specifically, ultra-filtration was proven to be a viable unit process for separating adhesives and sealants manufacturing wastewaters into low-volume concentrate streams.
Value Proposition Tool
Positioning statement that explains what benefits the stewardship provides to different stakeholders and how it does it uniquely well.
Valuing Rivers (2018)
This report discusses the need to stop regarding rivers as simply conduits for moving water and recognize the wider value of water.
Valuing Water Database (2019)
The Valuing Water Database aims to help you navigate through an array of tools and approaches to water valuation in order to assist you with finding the right one for your needs.
Valuing Water for Sustainable Development (2017)
This article lays out four steps towards better valuation and management of water
Volumetric Water Benefit Accounting (VWBA): A Practical Guide to Implementing Water Replenishment Targets (2021)
This guide is intended as a practical resource to facilitate the application of VWBA methods to meet water replenishment targets.
WASH Bottleneck Analysis Tool (WASHBAT) (2016)
WASH-BAT is an analysis and monitoring online tool developed to assess the enabling environment of WASH delivery by tracking the removal of barriers to services at national, regional, service provider, and community levels. Users register for access.
WASH Pledge Impact Report (2018)
Maximizing the business contribution towards water, sanitation and hygiene.
WASH@Work: A Self-Training Handbook (2016)
ILO, in collaboration with member States and social partners, provides several training tools and international instruments to promote occupational safety and health (OSH).
WASH@Work: A Self-Training Handbook (Arabic) (2016)
ILO, in collaboration with member States and social partners, provides several training tools and international instruments to promote occupational safety and health (OSH). This version is written in Arabic.
Wastewater: The Untapped Resource
What if we were to consider the vast quantities of domestic, agricultural and industrial wastewater discharged into the environment everyday as a valuable resource rather than costly problem?
Water & Business: What Every MBA Needs to Know (2020)
This briefing paper highlights the business impacts of water, drawing on examples from companies like Nestle Water, DuPont, Kraft Heinz, and General Motors.
Water Action Hub (2018)
The Water Action Hub is an online water stewardship knowledge sharing and collaboration tool developed by the CEO Water Mandate and the Pacific Institute.
Water and Circular Economy (2018)
This paper explores the relationship between the principles of circular economy and sustainable water management, identifying the opportunities that are offered through applying circular economy principles to water systems.
Water and Human Rights: Exploring the Roles and Responsibilities of Business (2009)
This paper examines how businesses can adhere to John Ruggie’s “corporate responsibility to respect” principle in the context of access to water.
Water and Sanitation Interlinkages across the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (2016)
This brief analyses the central role of water and sanitation to describe the links and interdependencies between the targets of SDG 6 on water and sanitation and those of other SDGs.
Water and the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Business Framework for Water & COVID-19: Practical Actions to Contain the Pandemic (2020)
This Issue Brief aims to articulate the role that the business community can play in combatting the spread of COVID-19, as well as rebuilding the economy and reducing the risk of future shocks.
Water as a Casualty of Conflict: Threats to Business and Society in High-Risk Areas (2012)
This white paper focuses on the ways conflict and high-risk situations can affect water systems, and provides a framework for understanding the nature of water challenges faced in these situations and how these, in turn, affect business operations and society.
Water Balance Targets (2016)
This report discusses where the concept of water balance came from, the motivations for balance initiatives, types of balance projects and benefits, important considerations, and emerging water stewardship trends in target setting.
Water Day at Race to Zero November Dialogues (2020)
This event featured speakers from all over the world exploring how entire sectors are already rapidly transitioning to a zero-carbon future.
Water Disclosure 2.0 (2009)
This study aims to better understand current water-related corporate reporting practices. Specifically, it looks to illustrate various forms of reporting approaches and contents, identify commonalities, differences, and gaps among water reports, and present its findings as guidance for future corporate water reporting.
Water Infrastructure For Climate Adaptation – The Opportunity To Scale Up Funding And Financing (2018)
This report calls for an integrated approach that brings together governments, water users, and the society at large including the private sector, NGOs, and academia to design smart, adaptable and sustainable solutions for water infrastructure impacted by climate change.
Water Management and Stewardship (2016)
Overview report on corporate water management and stewardship actions.
Water Management Expectations to Companies (2015)
An example of how a financial investor expects companies to manage the challenges and opportunities surrounding water resources.
Water Resources Management: Optimizing within a Watershed Context (2007)
This resource provides an explanation of a model that was developed to evaluate a broad range of technical, economic, and policy management options within a watershed context.
Water Risk and Action Plan
Project planning. Map out a roadmap of activities using this guidance template.