Collective Action
Showing 1–50 of 119 results
At the Crest of a Wave: A Proactive Approach to Corporate Water Strategy (2007)
This report provides guidance on developing and implementing a water strategy based around innovation, investment, and collaboration.
Beneficiary Counting Tool
Each project has to assess and report the number of direct and indirect beneficiaries that are reached. The goal is to maximize the beneficiaries of the program- but not at any price. Thus, this tool has been developed to serve two goals: First, to count beneficiaries in a uniform way, and second, to support the projects in maximizing that number (both before, during and post project).
Blue Peace Index (2019)
The Blue Peace Index is a research tool that measures how well countries manage transboundary water resources.
Blueprint for Business Leadership on the SDGs: SDG 6 (2017)
This document provides guidance and examples for how businesses can be leaders in the efforts to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 6.
Business Case
Business case gives insight in the financial feasibility of a project. All project costs and revenues are systematically ordered and analyzed to assess whether the development of the project is feasible. All business cases need to be financially, socially and environmentally sustainable.
Business Concept
The Business Concept is the “idea” of how a project expects to create value.The costs are not central, but rather the value to be created.
Business Reporting on the SDGs: An Analysis of the Goals and Targets (2017)
This analysis is an inventory of possible disclosures per SDG, at the level of the 169 targets.
Children’s Rights and Business Principles (2013)
Guidance, tools, and approaches to respecting children’s rights in and out of the workplace.
Coca-Cola: Respecting the Human Right to Water and Sanitation
As a beverage company, Coca-Cola recognize the indispensable nature of water in advancing healthy ecosystems, communities, business, agriculture and commerce.
Collaborative Conservation and Adaptation Strategy Toolbox (CCAST) (2018)
The Southwest Climate Hub, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Reclamation, and Forest Service have collaborated to create an online library of conservation case studies.
Collective Action for Water Security and Sustainability: Preliminary Investigations (2014)
This study determines success and failure factors and effective tools or mechanisms to facilitate multi-stakeholder engagement processes in India based on identified global and domestic case studies.
Connected and Flowing: A Renewable Future for Rivers, Climate and People (2019)
This report explores how a set of planning approaches, and policy and financial mechanisms, can ensure that the world benefits from the renewable revolution by accelerating the arrival of power systems that are low carbon, low cost, and low impact.
Corporate Water Stewardship and the Case for Green Infrastructure (2018)
This report makes the case for private sector investment in green infrastructure as part of a broader water stewardship approach.
Cost Benefit Analysis Guidance
An outline of the main steps to execute a cost-benefit analysis.
Diageo’s Water of Life Program
Diageo has committed to helping a million people a year through improved water supply and sanitation in Africa through their Water of Life program.
Exploring the Business Case for Corporate Action on Sanitation (2014)
The global sanitation crisis is one of the most critical sustainable development challenges facing the world today. This discussion paper explores the business case for corporate action on sanitation and identifies several ways the private sector can make an impact.
Frontiers of CLTS: How to Trigger for Handwashing with Soap (2014)
The purpose of this document is to outline several practical tools which can be used as a part of CLTS in order to trigger realisation among communities of the importance of handwashing with soap, as well as eliminating open defecation.
geoFootprint (2019)
geoFootprint is a public and collaborative tool that gives instant access to the environmental footprint of agricultural crops on a world map.
Good Practice in Personal Care Product Manufacturing: Use of Sustainable Palm Oil
Palm oil is used within numerous personal products including liquid detergents, soaps, shampoos, lipstick, waxes, polishes, make-up, and more. Although palm oil is chemically stable, productive, and low cost; the expansion of its use has led to deforestation and habitat loss. WWF recommends companies investigate their palm oil suppliers and participate in collations that promote sustainable palm oil supplies.
Grand Etang Forest Reserve, Grenada (2017)
This partnership intends to improve the management of the Grand Etang Lake as a water reservoir for southern Grenada’s drinking water supply, with the additional benefit of an eco-friendly use of the lake by local and international visitors.
Guidance on Menstrual Health and Hygiene (2019)
This guidance was developed for UNICEF WASH, Education, Health, and Gender specialists or focal points in country offices who are working with their partners to develop programs related to menstrual health and hygiene.
Guide for Managing Integrity in Water Stewardship Initiatives (2015)
This guide seeks to build on the lessons learned from the pioneers of WSIs around the world. Through a practical lens, and focusing on the needs of practitioners, the ultimate aim of this guide is to support existing and future WSIs in creating tangible benefits for society by ensuring high levels of integrity and transparency.
Guide to Menstrual Hygiene Materials (2019)
This document provides guidance for staff from the UNICEF Supply Division and Programme Division on the selection and procurement of appropriate materials and supplies for menstrual hygiene management, particularly during humanitarian response.
Guide to Water-Related Collective Action (2012)
Establish enduring relationships with a broad spectrum of stakeholders, leaders, and individuals to advance sustainable water management.
Hygiene Matters Research Initiative (2016)
Swedish pulp and paper company SCA has partnered with WSSCC to create a common platform for raising awareness about the importance of hygiene and sanitation and challenging taboos surrounding personal hygiene.
Imarisha Naivasha Water Stewardship Partnership (2017)
The Imarisha Naivasha Water Stewardship Programme wanted to improve the water availability for communities and businesses in the Lake Naivasha Basin and to improve the water quality by implementing soil and water conservation activities and community water projects.
Implementation of WASH for Workers and Communities – Case Studies
Nestlé has worked with the WBCSD on adopting and implementing the WASH Pledge throughout their value chain in India, Cameroon, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama.
Improved Community Livelihoods and Sustainable Water Management in the River Rwizi Catchment (2017)
This partnership has shown that stakeholder buy-in is a crucial element for the success of the Act Phase. In the case of the partnership in the River Rwizi catchment, ensuring the buy-in and understanding of all stakeholders significantly helped facilitate the implementation of activities and also increased the overall sustainability of the interventions.
Improvement of Access to Water and Sanitation in Buliisa (2017)
Thoroughness in the stakeholder engagement activities in the Assess Phase led to much easier agreements in the Commit Phase of this partnership on improving water supply and sanitation in two sub-counties in the Buliisa District, Uganda.
Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration (IHA) (2018)
Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration (IHA) is a software program that allows water resource managers, hydrologists, ecologists, researchers and policy makers to assess how rivers, lakes and groundwater basins have been affected by human activities over time – or to evaluate future water management scenarios.
Internet of Water: Sharing and Integrating Water Data for Sustainability (2017)
This report provides a principle-based blueprint recommending a 3-step plan for how to design and launch a feasible and operable “Internet of Water” – a network of interconnected data producers, hubs, and users.
Investing in Forested Landscapes for Source Water Protection in the US (2013)
This publication offers comprehensive guidance on the economics, science, partnerships, and finance mechanisms underlying successful efforts to secure the water-related functions of forests and other ecosystems.
IRC Wash Tools
Tools and guidance for providing WASH services that last.
Itawa Springs Protection Project
The Imarisha Naivasha Water Stewardship Programme wanted to improve the water availability for communities and businesses in the Lake Naivasha Basin and to improve the water quality by implementing soil and water conservation activities and community water projects.
Itza Popo – Replenishing Groundwater through Reforestation in Mexico (2017)
Volkswagen partnered with Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas and local stakeholders to restore the functionality of the ecosystems on the volcanic slopes of Popocatépetl and Iztaccíhuatl in order to replenish groundwater in the Puebla Tlaxcala valley.
IWRM Action Plan Searcher (2021)
The IWRM Action Searcher is a database of priority actions for advancing IWRM as a means of achieving broader water-related objectives.
LafargeHolcim France | Water Management and Flood Prevention in France (2017)
This case study looks at LafargeHolcim’s approach to converting a quarry into water retention basins as a solution for flood control.
Leveraging the Power of Collaborations (2020)
This report explores the dynamics driving the evolution of company collaboration in and across sectors and highlights some of the innovative models that have developed.
Live: Country Experiences on COVID-19 and WASH (2020)
This live-blog shares WASH approaches Sanitation and Water for All partners are taking in response to the COVID-19 emergency.
Lusaka Water Security Initiative (LuWSI) (2017)
LuWSI is a multi-stakeholder collaboration system inspired by and working towards the vision of water security for the residents and businesses of Lusaka.
Lusaka Water Security Initiative: Wellfield Protection Project (2017)
The objective of this partnership is to protect LWSC wellfields at Shaft 5 and Mass Media, in an environmentally, socially, and financially sustainable manner securing groundwater supply for Lusaka’s residents and businesses.
Make Way for the Future of Sanitation (2020)
This report provides a review of new enterprise models shaping the development of a transformational sanitation economy.
Making Every Drop Count: An Agenda for Water Action (2018)
This report lays out specific recommendations and new initiatives for action in pursuit of safe water for all, managed sustainably.
Maneuvering Towards a Water Safe Future (2018)
This report aims both to draw attention to the severity of the water crisis and to illustrate that new forms of partnership are essential to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.
Mapping Public Water Management: Proof of Concept (2020)
This technical note tests a novel data collection approach that relies on crowdsourcing data from multinational enterprises with operations across many geographies.
Mapping the Oil and Gas Industry to the Sustainable Development Goals (2017)
The Atlas explores the links between the oil and gas industry and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and seeks to facilitate a shared understanding of how the industry can most effectively support the achievement of the SDGs.
Market Scan Tool
The objective of a Market Scan is to identify potential partners with water intensive businesses and water risks with regard to water stewardship activities in order to increase engagement with corporate partners.