Collective Action
Showing 101–131 of 131 results
The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2019
The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2019 uses the latest available data to track global progress on the SDGs and to take stock of how far we have come in realizing our commitments.
The Tata Water Mission
The Tata Water Mission’s objective is to create a healthy future for 7,000 villages and 6 million people across India through access to safe and adequate drinking water and improved sanitation over the next three years.
The Water and Development Alliance (WADA)
WADA is a collaboration between Coca-Cola and USAID to improve water resource management and expand access to drinking water and sanitation services for poor and marginalized people in developing countries.
UN Environment’s Freshwater Strategy 2017-2021 (2017)
This strategy report is designed to bring together the organization’s work that touches upon freshwater and provide a catalyst for action with various partners and stakeholders, at different levels of engagement.
Understanding Hygiene Promotion in the Context of the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak (2020)
This note provides guidance on which aspects to consider when planning and implementing a hygiene promotion campaign as part of a broader risk communication and community engagement strategy.
Use of Market-Based Incentives in Watershed Management (2016)
Managing watersheds shouldn’t just be about regulations. It should be about developing complementary models for the protection and rehabilitation of watersheds through community participation schemes, public-private partnerships and private investment structures.
Value Proposition Tool
Positioning statement that explains what benefits the stewardship provides to different stakeholders and how it does it uniquely well.
Valuing Water Database (2019)
The Valuing Water Database aims to help you navigate through an array of tools and approaches to water valuation in order to assist you with finding the right one for your needs.
Volumetric Water Benefit Accounting (VWBA): A Practical Guide to Implementing Water Replenishment Targets (2021)
This guide is intended as a practical resource to facilitate the application of VWBA methods to meet water replenishment targets.
WASH Bottleneck Analysis Tool (WASHBAT) (2016)
WASH-BAT is an analysis and monitoring online tool developed to assess the enabling environment of WASH delivery by tracking the removal of barriers to services at national, regional, service provider, and community levels. Users register for access.
WASH Programme Contribution to Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Prevention and Response (2020)
This technical document outlines the overarching strategy and tactics for implementing UNICEF’s COVID-19 WASH response.
WASH Solutions from Tata Steel Nest-In (2018)
Tata Steel has developed two prefabricated construction offerings, a modular toilet and a drinking water kiosk, to address drinking water and sanitation challenges globally.
Water and Sanitation Interlinkages across the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (2016)
This brief analyses the central role of water and sanitation to describe the links and interdependencies between the targets of SDG 6 on water and sanitation and those of other SDGs.
Water Filter Media of Granulated Ceramics (2018)
This best practice shows how TAM Ceramics filter systems address sustainable water treatment on a large scale, providing safe drinking water to communities with systems that are inexpensive, simple to use, and easy to maintain.
Water Loss Reduction in Zamdela – “Metsimaholo Water Loss Reduction Project” (2019)
This case study looks at actions taken by Sasol to reduce water loss, improve municipal water infrastructure, and improve access to water for the local community in the Zamdela area of the Metsimaholo Local Municipality.
Water Management and Stewardship (2016)
Overview report on corporate water management and stewardship actions.
Water Risk and Action Plan
Project planning. Map out a roadmap of activities using this guidance template.
Water Supply, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Poverty Diagnostic Initiative (country by country) (2017)
This report offers new insights on how data can be used to inform allocation decisions to reduce inequalities and prioritize investment in WASH to boost human capital.
Water-Using Corporations as Agents Of Water Security, Management and Governance (2016)
This report looks at private sector actors who have power to affect water management and governance processes and their water security outcomes, and investigates their strategies, drivers, and legitimacy.
Water, Energy, and Climate Change: A Contribution from the Business Community (2009)
Water, energy and climate change are inextricably linked. If we truly want to find sustainable solutions, we must ensure that we address all three in a holistic way. This paper is a first step in fitting some of the pieces of the puzzle together.
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: Three Essential Ingredients to Resilient Agricultural Supply Chains (2019)
This booklet presents an opportunity for sectors that are reliant upon the agricultural supply chain to take leadership in protecting and improving WASH resources for the people and business in the regions in which they operate.
WaterAid Participation Ladder Tool (2018)
Monitor how effectively various groups feel like they are participating and involve in decision-making. The visual aid illustrates the different levels of participation. The diagram is to help the person carrying out the interview to assess where the person is on the participation ladder.
Workers’ Need Project in India
WaterAid and H&M partnered to provide better WASH services and education to workers in 15 supplier factories in India.
World Bank Open Data (2018)
World Bank databases are essential tools for supporting critical management decisions and providing key statistical information for Bank operational activities. This site is designed to make World Bank data easy to find, download, and use.
World Economic Forum Meeting WASH Discussion Summary (2016)
Discussion of the private sector’s role in achieving universal access to WASH.
World Toilet Day (annual)
World Toilet Day is THE day for action. It is the day to raise awareness about all the people who do not have access to a toilet, and the urgent need to end the sanitation crisis. And it is the day to stand up (or sit down or squat if you prefer) to do something about it.
World Water Development Report 2019
The 2019 World Water Development Report (WWDR) examines how improved water resource management and access to water supply and sanitation services can help address the causes and alleviate the impacts of poverty and social inequity.