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Good Practice in Personal Care Product Manufacturing: Use of Sustainable Palm Oil
Palm oil is used within numerous personal products including liquid detergents, soaps, shampoos, lipstick, waxes, polishes, make-up, and more. Although palm oil is chemically stable, productive, and low cost; the expansion of its use has led to deforestation and habitat loss. WWF recommends companies investigate their palm oil suppliers and participate in collations that promote sustainable palm oil supplies.
Partnership for a Cleaner Environment (PACE) (2017)
Partnership for a Cleaner Environment (PACE) is a Ford initiative that allows the company to share best practices with its suppliers.
REEL COTTON Code of Conduct Version 2.0 (2016)
The REEL Code of Conduct Version 2.0 provides a verifiable, private standard, based on the REEL COTTON Sustainable Agricultural Practices Hand Book Version 2009 with additions to cover the entire Environmental facet.
The State of Sustainable Business 2019
The 11th Annual BSR/GlobeScan State of Sustainable Business Survey provides insight into the world of sustainable business and identifies common perceptions and practices of corporate sustainability professionals.
Water: A Human and Business Priority (2020)
This article examines how through proactive individual and collective action, businesses can combat the water crisis.