The World Bank
Showing all 11 results
Easing the Transition to Commercial Finance for Sustainable Water and Sanitation (2017)
This report articulates a framework for innovative financing to achieve SDG6, particularly targets 6.1–6.4.
Global Development Datasets (2014)
Global development datasets for annual freshwater withdrawals by industry type, percentage of population with access to improved water sources, and water productivity.
High and Dry: Climate Change, Water, and the Economy (2016)
The impacts of climate change will be channeled primarily through the water cycle, with consequences that could be large and uneven across the globe. Water is a vital factor of production, so diminishing water supplies can translate into slower growth that cloud economic prospects.
Putting Nature to Work: Integrating Green and Gray Infrastructure for Water Security and Climate Resilience (2019)
This report shows how putting nature to work can help deliver infrastructure services with greater impact and lower cost, all the while reducing risks from disaster, boosting water security and enhancing climate resilience.
Quality Unknown : The Invisible Water Crisis (2019)
This report examines the effects of water quality on economic growth, presenting new evidence and new data that call urgent attention to the hidden dangers lying beneath water’s surface.
Reducing Inequalities in Water Supply, Sanitation, and Hygiene in the Era of the Sustainable Development Goals (2017)
Synthesis Report of the Water Supply, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Poverty Diagnostic Initiative, which focuses on what it would take to reduce existing inequalities in WASH services worldwide.
Uncharted Waters: The New Economics of Water Scarcity and Variability (2017)
This report presents new evidence to advance understanding on how rainfall shocks coupled with water scarcity, impacts farms, firms, and families.
WASH Bottleneck Analysis Tool (WASHBAT) (2016)
WASH-BAT is an analysis and monitoring online tool developed to assess the enabling environment of WASH delivery by tracking the removal of barriers to services at national, regional, service provider, and community levels. Users register for access.
Water Supply, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Poverty Diagnostic Initiative (country by country) (2017)
This report offers new insights on how data can be used to inform allocation decisions to reduce inequalities and prioritize investment in WASH to boost human capital.
World Bank Open Data (2018)
World Bank databases are essential tools for supporting critical management decisions and providing key statistical information for Bank operational activities. This site is designed to make World Bank data easy to find, download, and use.