World Bank Open Data (2018)

World Bank databases are essential tools for supporting critical management decisions and providing key statistical information for Bank operational activities. This site is designed to make World Bank data easy to find, download, and use.

Primary Functions

  • Access a comprehensive set of data about development in countries around the globe, together with other datasets cited in the World Bank’s data catalog.

Detailed Description


Good data are needed to set baselines, identify effective public and private actions, set goals and targets, monitor progress and evaluate impacts. They are also an essential tool of good government, providing means for people to assess what governments do and helping them to participate directly in the development process.

At the World Bank, the Development Data Group coordinates statistical and data work and maintains a number of macro, financial and sector databases. Working closely with the Bank’s regions and Global Practices, the group is guided by professional standards in the collection, compilation and dissemination of data to ensure that all data users can have confidence in the quality and integrity of the data produced.

Much of the data comes from the statistical systems of member countries, and the quality of global data depends on how well these national systems perform. The World Bank works to help developing countries improve the capacity, efficiency and effectiveness of national statistical systems. Without better and more comprehensive national data, it is impossible to develop effective policies, monitor the implementation of poverty reduction strategies, or monitor progress towards global goals.

World Bank databases are essential tools for supporting critical management decisions and providing key statistical information for Bank operational activities. The application of internationally accepted standards and norms results in a consistent, reliable source of information.

This site is designed to make World Bank data easy to find, download, and use. All of the data can be used free of charge with minimal restrictions.



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