Water Accounting: Independent Estimates of Water Flows, Fluxes, Stocks, Consumption, and Services (2019)

Water accounting is the process of communicating water resources related information and the services generated from consumptive use in a geographical domain in order to describe water resources in a standard context, using clear terminology and a standard data collection system with known quality standards.

Primary Functions

  • Access independent estimates of water flows, fluxes, stocks, consumption, and services that allow stakeholders to make informed decisions and support local water management practices.

Detailed Description


Water accounting is the process of communicating water resources related information and the services generated from consumptive use in a geographical domain, such as a river basin, a country or a land use class; to users such as policy makers, water authorities, managers, etc.

Water problems around the world are increasing; however, information useful for decision makers within the water sector and related to the water sector seems to be decreasing. Solving water problems requires information from many disciplines, and the physical accounts (describing sources and uses of water) are the most important foundation. The information has to be coherent and harmonized in order to provide an integrated picture useful for the assessment of the problems. The current hydrological data democracy does not provide all required data necessary for a proper water consumer communication, which hampers the development of good water stewardship.

There is a need to describe water resources in a standard context, using clear terminology and a standard data collection system with known quality standards. Vaporization of water from land into the atmosphere – as well as water in products – produces agro–ecological–economical services. These services should be understood and improved if we want to maintain current per capita water availabilities and water footprints.

Audited Water Accounts are the basis for evidence based decision making and establishing agreements with riparian partners, including those across international borders.


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