Risk Awareness
Showing 51–63 of 63 results
Water as a Casualty of Conflict: Threats to Business and Society in High-Risk Areas (2012)
This white paper focuses on the ways conflict and high-risk situations can affect water systems, and provides a framework for understanding the nature of water challenges faced in these situations and how these, in turn, affect business operations and society.
Water Infrastructure For Climate Adaptation – The Opportunity To Scale Up Funding And Financing (2018)
This report calls for an integrated approach that brings together governments, water users, and the society at large including the private sector, NGOs, and academia to design smart, adaptable and sustainable solutions for water infrastructure impacted by climate change.
Water Risk Filter Suite
The Water Risk Filter can be used to assess and respond to water related risks for your own operations, suppliers, or growth plans.
Water Risk Scenarios: TCFD-Aligned Scenarios to Help Companies and Investors Turn Risk into Resilience (2020)
The aim of this brief is to provide an overview of the new WWF Water Risk Filter scenarios and guidance on how scenario analysis can help companies and investors to understand future water risks and build resilience in an uncertain future.
Water Scarcity and Climate Change: Growing Risks for Businesses and Investors (2009)
This report looks at the impact of water scarcity and declining water quality on business and the significant interest investors have in catalyzing companies to look more closely at their potential risk exposure to water-related challenges.
Water, Energy, and Climate Change: A Contribution from the Business Community (2009)
Water, energy and climate change are inextricably linked. If we truly want to find sustainable solutions, we must ensure that we address all three in a holistic way. This paper is a first step in fitting some of the pieces of the puzzle together.
Water: A Human and Business Priority (2020)
This article examines how through proactive individual and collective action, businesses can combat the water crisis.
Watering the NDCs: National Climate Planning for 2020 and Beyond (2019)
The report is designed to help Parties consider the reality of their water management across sectors, while working towards robust and flexible solutions able to withstand the effects of climate change.
weADAPT (2018)
weADAPT is an online ‘open space’ on climate adaptation issues designed to facilitate learning, exchange, collaboration and knowledge integration to build a professional community focused on adaptation issues while developing policy-relevant tools and guidance.
World Water Development Report 2020: Water and Climate Change (2020)
The 2020 U.N. World Water Development Report focuses on the challenges, opportunities and potential responses to climate change, in terms of adaptation, mitigation and improved resilience that can be addressed through improving water management.