Value chain
Showing 51–57 of 57 results
Water Risk Hotspots for Agriculture (2017)
Agriculture is expected to face increasing water risks that will impact production, markets, trade and food security – risks that can be mitigated with targeted policy actions on water hotspots. This report develops the hotspot approach, provides an application at the global scale, and presents a mitigation policy action plan.
Water Stewardship in the Indian Textile Industry: A Handbook of Recommended Good Practices (2020)
This handbook shares recommended good practices for advancing water stewardship through improvements in water use efficiency and water quality, focused on primary and secondary processes in textile mills in India.
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: Three Essential Ingredients to Resilient Agricultural Supply Chains (2019)
This booklet presents an opportunity for sectors that are reliant upon the agricultural supply chain to take leadership in protecting and improving WASH resources for the people and business in the regions in which they operate.
Water: A Human and Business Priority (2020)
This article examines how through proactive individual and collective action, businesses can combat the water crisis.
World Bank Open Data (2018)
World Bank databases are essential tools for supporting critical management decisions and providing key statistical information for Bank operational activities. This site is designed to make World Bank data easy to find, download, and use.
Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) Programme (2018)
These guidelines intend to help close the knowledge gap on wastewater treatment technologies and motivate relevant facilities in the apparel and footwear industry to implement the professional treatment systems necessary to meet the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines.