Context-Based Decision Guide for Water Reuse and Recycling (2020)

This guide is intended to accelerate internal conversations and decisions at the regional and facility level with regards to investments in advancing water stewardship.

Primary Functions

  • Understand why transitioning “beyond reduction” is important in addressing the shared global water challenges of today and tomorrow.
  • Learn about context-based approaches that promote decision-making based upon an understanding of unique local watershed conditions or ‘context’ around a given facility.
  • Find guidance on accelerating conversations within companies on water reuse and recycling opportunities at a regional and local level.

Detailed Description


This Context-Based Decision Guide for Water Reuse and Recycling document was developed through a collaborative effort of the Beverage Industry Environmental Roundtable (BIER). The global beverage companies which developed this guide believe that addressing the global water challenges of today and tomorrow requires transitioning “beyond reduction” through broader adoption of water reuse and recycling by all facilities, across all industries, in every location around the world. This guide is intended to accelerate this transition by making water circularity concepts more approachable to local leadership and operations.

Who is the Target Audience for this Decision Guide?

While this guide has been developed by the Beverage Industry Environmental Roundtable (BIER), it is designed to be relevant to any facility, in any industry, in any location in the world. This guide is intended to accelerate internal conversations and decisions at the regional and facility level with regards to investments in advancing water stewardship. There is a specific focus on water reuse and recycling.

Why This Decision Guide, Why Now?

The reality we face as individuals, businesses, and society at large is that operating in a world with persistent water-related challenges is becoming the new normal. Nearly every operational location in the world, both company- and supplier-owned, faces business challenges related to too little water, too much water, and/or too poor quality water. As a result, companies face increasing internal business drivers and external pressures to manage water-related risks and opportunities, which are dynamic and variable throughout the world due to local watershed conditions. Individually these expectations might not define an immediate business case, especially from a local facility’s perspective, but collectively they are powerful motivators for advancing water stewardship. The following internal drivers and external pressures are expected to increase given projections on global water challenges. To achieve long-term business and environmental sustainability in all watersheds and communities, the time is now for industry to work towards optimizing the use of every drop of water by making the 3Rs – Reduction, Reuse, Recycling – standard practice across operational locations.




Topics & SDGs


WWF Mitigation

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