Italian Meat Processor Reduces Water and Energy Use – Ecolab Case Study (2017)

This case study shows how Nalco Water strategized to make Italian meat processor Inalca SpA’s operations more sustainable.

Primary Functions

  • Learn how Nalco Water helped an Italian meat processing plant save 3.7 million gallons of water a year.

Detailed Description



Water is the most precious resource for leading Italian meat processor, Inalca SpA. The company processes up to 40,000 tons of meat per year at its Rieti plant, utilizing the most modern technology available and prioritizing safety and food quality. Inalca asked Nalco Water to strategize on ways to make its operations more sustainable.


Nalco Water partnered with Inalca on several projects at the Rieti plant to deliver the resource and cost savings Inalca was seeking:

  • A reverse osmosis plant replaced the industrial demineralizer plant to eliminate commodity use and reduce the total cost of operation
  • 3D TRASARTM Boiler Technology improved boiler asset reliability and reduced water and energy use
  • 3D TRASAR Cooling Technology enabled reuse of cooling water coming from vacuum pumps as makeup water for evaporative condensers
  • 3D TRASAR Cooling Technology applied to Stork® hydrostatic sterilizers and STOCKTM (retorts sterilizers at the customer’s site) improved cooling water reuse and recycling


3D TRASARTM Technology Automation Technologies




Topics & SDGs

WWF Mitigation
