The Business Case for Action on WASH (2018)

Analysis of the corporate water disclosures submitted to investors through CDP reveals a strengthening business case for companies investing in WASH.

Primary Functions

  • Explore WASH-related business risk and opportunity
  • Call to action for implementing WASH interventions

Detailed Description

Corporate disclosure enables the clear communication to key stakeholders of commitments, targets and progress across a wide range of sustainability issues. WaterAid have analyzed corporate responses submitted publicly to CDP’s 2015, 2016 and 2017 water information requests. The analysis focuses on responses related to the provision of water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) to identify trends in business action on providing access to WASH, and to demonstrate the benefits for the private sector in doing so.

The corporate water disclosures submitted to investors through CDP reveal a strengthening business case for companies investing in WASH. Analysis of CDP’s data clearly shows that either a lack of management, or the mismanagement, of WASH issues can have detrimental socio-economic impacts for companies, whilst those addressing WASH issues can see significant business benefits.





WWF Mitigation
