Introduction to Hygiene Promotion: Tools and Approaches (2009)

This manual contains training materials and handouts to enable facilitators to rapidly prepare training for different levels of hygiene promotion.

Primary Functions

  • Learn how to promote and facilitate good WASH practices, particularly in an emergency context

Detailed Description

This briefing paper is aimed at all those involved in facilitating hygiene improvement in an acute emergency context, especially WASH coordinators
and programme managers. It aims to provide an overview of the focus and content of Hygiene Promotion interventions and why they must be integrated with hardware provision. More information on how to do Hygiene Promotion can be found in the resource documents listed in the appendix.

Water and Sanitation related diseases cause significant deaths and sickness in emergencies. Even without the disruption of an emergency, diarrhea kills over 30,000 children per week worldwide. During protracted war and conflict in particular, simple diarrhea diseases can often kill more people than the fighting itself. Hygiene Promotion is pivotal to a successful WASH intervention. Effective Hygiene Promotion is based on dialogue and interaction with affected communities; working in partnership with them forms the basis of accountable programming.







WWF Mitigation
