SDGs in Brazil: The Role of the Private Sector (2018)

This publication features Brazilian private sector stories gathered in Global Compact Network Brazil’s presentation during the 73rd session of the United Nations’ General Assembly, SDGs in Brazil – The Role of the Private Sector.

Primary Functions

  • Access 19 case studies from the Brazilian private sector that illustrate initiatives of companies aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals.

Detailed Description


In September 2018, Global Compact Network Brazil presented in New York, during the 73rd session of the United Nations’ General Assembly, SDGs in Brazil – The Role of the Private Sector. This publication gathers the stories of Brazilian private sector approached in the event. The 19 cases shown here illustrate initiatives of companies aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and were selected by an independent commission that, based on criteria defined by PwC, assessed 80 projects presented. “Global Compact Network Brazil opened a space to the interchange of experiences among representatives of UN agencies, companies that are part of the initiative, and international investors. That kind of action fosters the discussion and represents a stimulus to extend the contribution of domestic private sector to the 2030 Agenda”, said Denise Hills, president of Global Compact Network Brazil.

Launched in 2000 by the late UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, the UN Global Compact is a call to companies to align their strategies and operations with universal principles on human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption, and take actions that contribute to face societal challenges.

Global Compact Network Brazil counts on approximately 800 members, including companies and organizations, being the third largest in the world. Its activities and projects in Brazil are performed by its Theme Groups (TG), which nowadays comprise Water, Energy and Climate, Food and Agriculture, Human Rights and Labor, Anti-corruption, and SDGs. In addition, its Engagement and Communication Commission defines the guidelines for the diffusion by its members about the Global Compact and the SDGs. These groups comprise representatives of companies and organizations that are part of Global Compact Network Brazil.





Topics & SDGs

WWF Mitigation

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