Water Filter Media of Granulated Ceramics (2018)

This best practice shows how TAM Ceramics filter systems address sustainable water treatment on a large scale, providing safe drinking water to communities with systems that are inexpensive, simple to use, and easy to maintain.

Primary Functions

  • Learn about a large-scale filter system that can accommodate 2,500 community members with safe drinking water.

Detailed Description


TAM Ceramics large scale filter systems can accommodate 2,500 community members with safe drinking to log 5 reduction (99.999% effectiveness). This system will be inexpensive and will be easy to use requiring little maintenance of the filter media.

  • Silver treated granulated ceramics
  • Customized pathogen reduction log effectiveness
  • Customized particle size for desired flow rate
  • Scalable systems from household to community size
  • Does not require electricity or chlorine

TAM’s large scale filtering systems will be especially suitable as a backup when water supply is disrupted or for emergency preparedness. The filter systems may be of any size, whether for the largest of municipal applications or simply for households.





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WWF Mitigation
