CDP Global Water Report 2017

Data and insights from over 2,000 of the world’s largest companies on their efforts to manage and govern freshwater resources.

Primary Functions

  • For companies and investors seeking to understand how they can play their part in delivering a water-secure world

Detailed Description

An increasing number of companies are waking up to the importance of water security, and CDP’s 2017 Global Water Report shows a 193% increase in businesses leading the way on water stewardship. A water-secure world is possible, and the transition is underway. But to deliver it, water must be recognized as a fundamental asset for all companies and cities across the globe.

In 2017, companies committed US$23.4 billion across more than 1,000 projects to tackle water risks across 91 countries worldwide, including desalination, reclaiming waste-water and improving irrigation to avoid droughts.

This is a step in the right direction, but there is still a long way to go. According to the G20, meeting the targets for water set out in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires US$6.4 trillion by nations, states, cities and companies by 2030.




WWF Mitigation

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